My hands still shake and my heart pounds despite my fatigue. A combination of depression, fear, and adrenaline makes my thoughts race with the realization that a simple decision was the only thing that seperated me from a body count that grows daily. I look at the images I took on the 26th of June, and realize they do nothing to capture the emotion of being an eyewitness to the aftermath of the Al-Qaeda suicide attack in Karmah/Garma... the smell... the sound of screams and crying.
I want you to observe and comprehend what others live through on a daily basis -- to see what the Iraqi civilians and foreign soldiers see. I want people who follow my photography to understand that although I am able to bring images of war to the world in a form of art, what actually goes on here is horror. My message is not that war yields great photography. My message is: War yields human misery and suffering.
My eyewitness report and the images contained in the link below are extremely graphic. To see the reality of the Iraq War -- please read and view my entire post by clicking the link below.
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
If you are offended by graphic images -- instead of reading the entry about the suicide attack linked to below and being upset by the sight of death -- please do something to stop the events that facilitate these atrocities.
CLICK HERE to view my June 26th diary entry -- the day of the latest suicide bombing in Anbar Province.
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si sad that america can't see this!
Posted by: bascombe | July 08, 2008 at 00:20
Thank you for what you do to make all of this horror real. You actually took my anger away, when I read this morning that GI's were now allowed to desert to Canada, a decision made by the Canadian courts. This country has been allowed to go along with the war with absolutely no concern for what they are allowing to happen in their name.
You are my definition of a hero!
Posted by: Carla | July 08, 2008 at 01:14
Your the biggest Ahole on the planet. get rid of the american dead photos
Posted by: bill | July 08, 2008 at 02:42
What American dead photos? I didn't see any identifiable pictures of dead American soldiers in the Anbar Province report. What are all these so-called patriots getting all hot and bothered about? Those guys were blown to bits for crissakes. Who the hell can ID them.
Posted by: LT | July 08, 2008 at 03:33
Thank you for your courage. Blessings.
Posted by: revday | July 08, 2008 at 04:11
These & other pictures like them should be shown daily on our so-called news networks instead of the sparkly clean pictures of that quack war hero, John McCain in his sparkly clean bullet proof vest.
My son spent 15 months in king george's hell on earth. Each and every person responsible for starting a war of any kind should be the first ones drafted to fight that war. It makes me want to vomit as I was reading comments from some of the phony super patriots posted here. Those slimeballs should be volunteering by the truck loads if they really think this thing is worthwhile.
But no, they sit back in the comfort of their living room cheering on the murder & mayhem that has been done in our names. May they all fry in hell for an eternity.
Posted by: Lynn | July 08, 2008 at 15:16
You are in league with the enemy. You are attempting you demoralize the American pubic while at the same time spitting in the face of the families of those dead Marines. Shame on you, you disgusting pervert.
Posted by: Frank White | July 08, 2008 at 17:14
This is sadness; thank you for showing the truth of this war. Damn you jingoist fools, what is more demoralizing than the coward's chore of covering the truth in the name of soldier's families?
Posted by: IlBambino | July 08, 2008 at 17:43
Unfortunately the people who see your photos are the people who want to not the people who should.
Posted by: Bob Singer | July 08, 2008 at 17:55
Better we be concerned with Tiger Woods' knee than what's going on in Iraq. (Incidentally, have you noticed that the folks who defend W's war seem to be illiterate?)
Posted by: Thelonious | July 08, 2008 at 18:28
To Miller and all his defenders,
War is hell, but it is not the only hell and certainly not the worst hell. If you think so, then I am safe in saying that you would have had no problem living under the yoke of the Crown, or more recently, under the tyranny of the Reich or the Rising Sun. What you really mean to say is that any war in which a Republican President was C-in-C is the issue. No problems with WWII, Korea, or Vietnam, or Kosovo because loyal Dems started those affairs (OK, maybe not Vietnam after Nixon inherited the war in '69). Please do not throw up the distractions of "Bush Lied, People Died" or any other bumper sticker orthodoxy that are the symptoms of liberal derangement. It comes down to Bush and nothing more. Not facts, not reality, just spittle and ire signifying an empty mind and hate-filled heart. Never again will I put up with the silliness that claims liberals are the ones with love in their souls. You are sad and angry, and fortunately, utterly impotent.
If Obama can continue to flip-flop his way towards the recognition that Iraq will be the center of a new form of governance for the Middle East, he will recognize that the work of our troops will have contributed mightily towards changing a dynamic that has been stuck on stupid for a very, very long time. Our troops will have done the work, but the President had the vision and courage to make a tough call, one that Congress voted for before they didn't vote for it (oops, I mean the Democrats). I cannot wait until the first one of the leaden leaders of the "loyal" opposition who voted for war actually claims that vote as a sign of his/her courage and clarity of thought, after having spent the last few years running away from that vote.
Miller, your colors are quite clearly exposed for what they are. You became the story when you inserted yourself into the story to cover a viewpoint and agenda you wish to push. Do not claim otherwise. And now, you get to reap that whirlwind. I, for one, do not want to see another example of your "art." You are a hack and your photos do nothing but support the enemy. That is the very essence of the anti-patriot. I will call you and your supporters what they are: anti-patriots. I impugn what little honor you have and care not a whit what you think of it. You neither love, support, nor defend your country, but only your selfish part in it. I am certain that you will never get another whiff of covering your agenda at government expense. There are several other adults who are doing a great job covering the dirty work without the garish need for attention you display. Go see Michael Totten's or Michael Yon's work for an example of showing the good, the bad, and the ugly without denigrating the noble effort of nation building that the military has embarked upon.
Oh, and before any of you clowns pulls the chickenhawk card, I served in the military from 1984 until 1995, had two brothers who served following me, had a father and two uncles in Vietnam and a grandfather in the Pacific Theatre in WWII. Try something else. And I am quite literate, thank you.
Posted by: NightIntruder | July 08, 2008 at 20:30
Blogger doesn't support Trackbacks at least not in a way I can figure out how to use them. So here's the link to my related post on Mama Needs a Book Contract.
Posted by: dejah | July 08, 2008 at 20:58
thanks for deleting my post...all i have to say is you left out the part where you are a coward. instead of taking pictures you could have been a man set down you camera and helped out the Marines picking up parts of their dead brothers. no it is not your job as a photographer to do that but as a human a fucking american you could of helped the men fighting for your freedom instead of looking like a complete ass infront of us. that is all you are to every Marine in 2/3 Echo. your face will not be forgotten and god help you if any of us see you again. ill be sure to send the pictures of you in a body bag with a camera lens sticking out of your forehead to your mother and see how she appretiates it.
Posted by: buddha | July 08, 2008 at 23:25
How distressing for you to have to see the results of your imperialism. Perhaps if you had no power like the people of Iraq you would not need be so inconvenienced.
Posted by: Doug Cunningham | July 09, 2008 at 06:00
Thelonius: your colors show far more than what you accuse Miller of. You are worthy of being ignored, nothing more, so that's all I care to say.
Dejah: Would putting down the camera saved the lives of those already dead? However, documenting the effects of this bloody war may encourage Americans to do something to end this violence, so that more body parts aren't scattered in the street. And you can't stop violence with violence, so cut it out with the threats: it makes you sound pathetic.
Thank you Zoriah for continuing to document what Iraqis and our troops are going through. You don't need anyone to tell you how much danger you are volunteering yourself for and the fact that you continue to do so shows dedication and strength.
Posted by: Bananaphone | July 09, 2008 at 19:43
As a recently retired marine veteran with 33 years service including combat, I was somewhat sympathetic to your positions until I saw this: "please do something to stop the political situations and foreign policy that facilitate these atrocities."
This now shows you true purpose in spite of your professed solidarity with the Marines. The only way this can be ended is a victory over the forces of evil in Iraq and such statements like these do nothing but provide aid and comfort to our enemies.
Posted by: jumpinjarhead | July 14, 2008 at 16:23
Thank You, God bless & be safe out there.
Not all marines are against you buddy.
Posted by: Paul G | July 14, 2008 at 19:42
Thelonious you warmongering assH*le, Leave it to an obvious republican to decry the reality of these atrocities created by the Bush Administration and many corporate sponsors. I hope your war profits make you happy. I hope people that are profiting off of this Occupation are plagued with nightmares over the harm and deaths they've caused based on the lies they've supported and spun and they're spinning to support an illegal and immoral occupation. And the only agenda that is being pushed is the felonious war on terror, the images are the consequences, your denunciation of the facts, screams of guilt . Your complacency is tantamount to your guilt. Anyone who is against seeing the truth is part of the problem.
Zoriah, you have more support that opposition to this, don't back down, stay brave and fight the good fight. Thank you for the wake up call for those who live in their little world of walmart shopping , foxx news watching , SUV driving and ignorance. Their blissful existence will come crashing down one day and I hope you're there to get the shot.
Posted by: Sofedup | July 14, 2008 at 22:42
I heard you this morning on 94.1 KQED. I'm actually baffled by your reasons why you posted these on your blog... We know that a suicide bombing produces images like this. So this brings me to my question. Why show these horrific images? To attract more hits to you blog? Your reason that you are doing it to” inform the people” doesn't really explain it. This is like me witnessing a car crash and pulling over and taking pictures of the dead. I don't undertand can you please explain yourself on your next posting? Thank you
Posted by: MLS | July 15, 2008 at 06:01
I have not been in the military, however I have known several very fine soldiers that deserve mounds of respect. It seems crystal clear to me what this is about: you were given a choice to remove the photos of the Marines, and had you, your position as a photojournalist embedded with the USMC would be secure. You chose to post pictures of friends, rather brothers, killed in action. The photos of the Marines did nothing to enhance your blog, nor did they change anyone's vision, whether pro-war or anti-war, of what is happening over there. I believe the larger point is that it was simply bad judgement on your part or better yet lack of respect for those soldiers and their brothers. Your photography skills are outstanding and I am sad that you will be unavailable for more work. I am dumbfounded that you would argue being responsible for your actions. Have you never met a Marine? Your contract may not have included this code, but you clearly knew about it going into the situation as you mentioned taking as many pictures of the dead Marines as possible before being cut off and escorted away.
For those of you who continue to post personal attacks about Republicans you do not know - shut up and grow up. If you think that seeing photos of our dead brethren somehow changes anything about this war then you are all missing the point 100% We already know the death of our soldiers is terrible, some of us would just like to have their duty, service and bravery respected to the highest degree.
Military service has always been accompanied by the threat of being placed in an unsafe situation. Let's not pretend that each person that signs up for service didn't know that - for their sake, let them have their honor while they serve no matter what your bitch is about our country.
One last thing, I am a Republican and I am not illiterate either you ass.
P.S. Bascombe: America is seeing this.
Posted by: Kim | July 15, 2008 at 16:54
This war would have been over years ago if the media were doing their jobs and the Bush crime family were exposed as the war criminals they are. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Darrell | July 15, 2008 at 18:06
Sgt Ron has two rules. 1. Don't take no crap. 2. Don't give no crap. I'm with you brother. You keep doing the job that needs to be done, the job that no one else seems willing to do. And for the record, this former Marine hopes you *do* get your Pulitzer.
Posted by: sgtron | July 16, 2008 at 03:32
You cant win a war when the home civilian population is exposed to it. There is a reason we are indoctinated in the military so that we can see things like this and accomplish the mission. DO you really think the WWII homefront would have been as productive if journalist photographed all of the dead bodies on Saipan? Iwo? D-Day? Bastogne?
No, it would have been a lot tougher to hold support of the people.
The truth should be known, but the graphic violence does nothing but hurt the war effort at home. War is hell, but it is necessary at times. THis war might not have been necessary, but we are in it and to WIN it. Being a soldier is not for everyone. Afterall this is a volunteer force. The American public is not forced to participate.
-Wounded Iraq War Infantry vet
Posted by: J | July 17, 2008 at 17:36
You suck.
Posted by: SGT Jake USMC | July 18, 2008 at 20:19
To those who say it is wrong to show this. YOU are wrong. This is AMERICA. If we are part of it, paying for it, and giving up our children, husbands, wives and personal privacy over for it, why the hell shouldn't we see the results? We used to rally against the "Dirty Commies" when they would censor stories. So it's OK to do it in the name of America? WTF?
Posted by: mrgetz | July 19, 2008 at 00:05
Some people here should go to a library and look at some old magazines from 1941 to 1945, during World War II – plenty of pictures of dead American soldiers. What’s change? As far as the military politics, Standard Operating Procedure: Have many different officials make vague and ambiguous statements so that they can own both sides of a coin. Don’t buy into that nonsense that no one wants you there. As a military veteran, I would have loved to have someone documenting the war and I would not want the military covering up my death if killed. You either know the truth or you don't. Great photojournalism! Keep recording history! Keep shooting!
Posted by: Roberto Allende | July 19, 2008 at 19:30
Lest ye forget those of revisionist history regarding photos of dead soldiers and civilians in war time, this from Life magazine circa 1938:
"Once again Life prints grim pictures of War, well knowing that once again they will dismay and outrage thousands and thousands of readers. But today’s two great continuing news events are two wars… Obviously Life cannot ignore not suppress these two great news events in pictures. As events, they have an authority far more potent than any editors’ policy or readers’ squeamishness. But Life could conceivably choose to show pictures of these events that make them look attractive. They are not, however, attractive events… Americans’ noble and sensible dislike of war is largely based on ignorance of what modern war really is… The love of peace has no meaning or no stamina unless it is based on a knowledge of war’s terrors… Dead men have indeed died in vain if live men refuse to look at them."
Posted by: Stiv | July 19, 2008 at 21:30
If you don't feel like these images should be posted, well, first of all you are opposing the constitution and the freedom of speech.
Secondly, insted of demanding that the pictures are removed, you should do your part to make sure these sort of pictures CAN'T be taken because of the lack of wounded/dead soldiers and civilians.
Posted by: Martin Scherer | July 20, 2008 at 11:30
Hmmm....All these attacks on our President. No Democratic attack on Clinton for repeatedly bombing the Iraqies? No Democratic attack on the senators who voted in favor of the war? Do you people really think that even our President can send us to war all by himself?
And, saddest of all, not one person condemning those that most directly caused this by actually setting off this explosion in the midst of a civilian gathering.
Posted by: Al | July 24, 2008 at 18:35
Embedded Photojournalists are the U.S. Governments' way of 'controlling' the media covering the war in Iraq. As soon as a Photojournalist steps out of line and displays images that are not in line with the way 'they' wish the war to be represented, they are removed.
The images the Government wants you to see (troops giving out lollies to the children and helping aid efforts) help them to contain public disfavor of the war. These images show the true happenings of war; people are killed. Freedom of speech is something America apparently holds dear and thus pictures like these should be seen as they are the truth. Living outside of the U.S. watching 'Newshour' with Jim lehrer, you would almost think the war is not happening! The dead are merely numerical statistics shown floating in front of the star-spangled banner. The U.S. public is being blindfolded yet still hold onto the past glory years of U.S. ideology as current day fact. Open your eyes! I feel sorry for the innocents killed and for the families of those soldiers and would regret if they had to see their family member dead, however it is a fact of war that soldiers die. War is an evil, disgusting, primitive thing that humanity should no longer have to wage. We should fight the sensorship Govornments impose and speak up against war in our name. How many more need to die?
Posted by: AHart | July 26, 2008 at 16:21
Thank you for showing us what is so wrong.
Someone needs to!
Posted by: Binks | July 26, 2008 at 20:08
To the angry marines, and especially Buddha, let me pose just a question: If you drag along a photographer to a blastsite, do you expcet him not to take photos? That is his job, his function, in the greater machine called society. Just as a gunners job is to, eh, gun things, his job is to photograph them. That aint betrayal of the Core, thats missionfulfillment. It would be liike hating journos from writing the truth, nah?
As to jumpinjarheads comment,I too found the sentence about foreign policy somewhat offkey, because it politicized the pictures wich really did not need that, seeing as they speak for themselves.
Posted by: fnord | July 27, 2008 at 18:02
This war is not about winning the war against the evil in the Muslim world. Do you Christians actually believe that you can weed out this "evil" by infiltrating every corner of the Muslim world and use your military might to weed it out? Do you not realize that would completely destroy your economy (it already is starting to, just look at the value of your dollar and your debt) Is it even America's responsibility to do this? Do you actually believe you are protecting the rest of the world from the terrorism threat? Is the future of the American economy worth sacrificing for this ridiculous media-sponsored oil-corporation backed sham job?
I think al-Quada has indeed succeeded in debilitating America, but not by blowing up a few towers, instead by inciting everyone into irrational feats of hysteria which then allows the corrupt governments and corporations to play their war games and run the economy into the ground as a result, while they get rich. Do you understand nothing about Islam (your own sister religion)? Invading Muslim countries and imposing your own imperialistic ways onto other cultures only inflames Muslims and spawns off even more terrorists. The actions of al Qaeda are despicable, just as has been US foreign policy over the last 40 years ever since WW2, the last noble war. Get your noses out of your bibles, turn off your Fox News and learn about other cultures.
Posted by: mudmucker | July 29, 2008 at 08:16