© Zoriah/www.zoriah.com : blog use permitted : use credit : link to zoriah.com : permalink to this post
I would like to wish a Happy Fourth of July to all of the Marines, soldiers, and military personnel who struggle to survive and bring order in a chaotic situation in Iraq.
On this American Indepedance Day, my heartfelt goodwill extends to their families back home, and to the Iraqi’s and Afghans who live day in and day out in a climate of uncertainty and fear.
May all of you find peace and unity and return to your lives, families, and children safe and unharmed.
I have been banned from documenting the conflict in Fallujah and Anbar Province by the U.S. Marine Corps. Today, I wait in Baghdad's Green Zone to find out if I will blacklisted completely and forced to leave Iraq.
I stand firm in the belief that I have been unjustly censored by the U.S. Military for reporting strictly under the guidelines given to me.
To all of the U.S. Marines and their families who have emailed me and voiced their support of the post and of the issue as a whole I want to extend a special thank you.
I've only known about your work since midway last week, but it is STUPENDOUS and it is RIVETING. And I've blogged about you a couple of times between then and now. It's this post here, about your current situation, and then the post before it, which is about iconic images of the war and veterans. Thanks so much; chin up; don't let dem bastages get you down, where they occasionally exist; and thanks for doing HUGELY important work through your images.
Posted by: Lily Casura | July 04, 2008 at 20:43
I too just "stumbled" onto your work via Michael J. Totten's Middle East Journal blog.
I want to express my thanks for your courage, dedication and passionate excellence in portraying a truth that rarely sees the light of day in the MSM.
As an avid commenter on the FireDogLake blog (www.firedoglake.com), I would like to pass on a contact there named Siun.
She is the press secretary at FireDogLake, and also an superb poster in her own right that has struggled mightily to document and bring to light, the "reality" of the Iraq war that most Americans never will see.
I think that the work you do would benefit from a larger audience and Siun's work at FireDogLake might be of mutual benefit.
I have emailed her with the links to your most recent work on the "Suicide Bombing in Anbar - Eye Witness Account - Iraq War Photographer Diary" as well as your posting on your termination as an embed.
I know she will visit your blog simply because of the dedication and interest she's shown on the very topics of your work.
If you would like to contact her, her email address is media DOT firedoglake AT gmail DOT com. I sincerely hope you do!
And again, thank-you for this painful, but necessary "reality"!
Posted by: Mad Dogs | July 05, 2008 at 06:55
Thank you for your outstanding work, Mr. Miller. I, too, just became aware of your blog and photography through an article by Dahr Jamail. Jamail's article detailed your situation and inspired me to go looking for your blog. If Americans were exposed on a daily basis to photography of the reality of war, this occupation would have long since been over. You have my sincere admiration and appreciation, Mr. Miller. If there's anything we can do to help you in your present situation, please... let us know.
Posted by: MavericksHMB | July 05, 2008 at 19:57
Dear Zoriah,
I want to compliment you on your fine photographic work. I hope this "ban" resolves itself. I found your site via the poignant photo of the soldier with the tattoo "Forgive Me" at the site "Alternate Brain."
Thank you,
Posted by: Lisa | July 07, 2008 at 00:59
I also learned of you from Dahr Jamail, and referenced you at my site (and will do so again). Thanks so much for your efforts to get the truth out. Best regards.
Posted by: Laura | July 07, 2008 at 04:18
I posted the link to the blog entry of the photos you were censored for on my website. I was so moved by them. I am opposed to the war, but I have not known the horror you have been in company with until now. I am glad you could show me, and that it can be shared with others.
It is easily understood why you were censored. They do not want people to know how their children are dying now that they know it is for a lie and that this road is going on for a long long mile all lined with explosives.
Posted by: DR | July 07, 2008 at 13:38
"It is easily understood why you were censored. They do not want people to know how their children are dying now that they know it is for a lie and that this road is going on for a long long mile all lined with explosives."
Umm, yes, except he wasn't censored. The image was posted, against their wishes. They could have, I suppose, seized the camera and deleted the images, but didn't (and rightly so). So at least get the terminology correct. He was dis-embedded, or un-invited if you prefer. He was not censored.
Posted by: douglas | July 14, 2008 at 12:52
I just heard your story on Democracy Now! Your photo of the American soldier eating a hamburger on the 4th of July brought tears to my eyes.
Posted by: Smo | July 14, 2008 at 18:20
I all the time emailed this webpage post page to all my associates, as if like to read it next my contacts will too.
Posted by: Heel Pads | June 03, 2013 at 13:54