There are things that U.S. soldiers are allowed to talk about with the press and others they are not. One of the things they are not allowed to voice is their political opinion, especially if it goes against their commander in chief. In the privacy of latrine stalls on military bases in Iraq and Kuwait, however, it is quite a different story. I did not see any pro-Bush writings in any of the hundreds of latrines I photographed.
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
© Zoriah/ : blog use permitted : use credit : link to : permalink to this post
Fake???: For those posting comments that I wrote these myself or or used Photoshop to paint these comments in...please, do you really think I have that much time on my hands?? I am posting a contact sheet below of a few other latrine images from Iraq and you think I made these up too??
That is really fucking well done. Kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Les Visible | November 05, 2008 at 21:03
I'm not a fan of George Bush BUT every one of those "handwritings on the wall", except the last one, appear to have been written with the same black Sharpie pen and in the same handwriting. Are you sure your photojournalist didn't just have an idea and made it happen? Please give us something more credible. Your reading public is not stupid.
Posted by: tortugabob | November 06, 2008 at 18:41
Thanks for publishing this piece, and thanks for sharing it WRH! I hate the Bushs, and they actually earned that hate.
As far as the material being legit, I may not be an expert...but the writing does not
appear to be by the same author (in the pictures). It also makes sense that maybe a black sharpie may be the only "color" available in supply at the it doesn't help that the images are not in color. I could be wrong on this, as I indicated that I'm not an expert.
I enjoyed reading it.
Posted by: Insurgent | November 06, 2008 at 19:26
A quick glance at the photos and it may seem that it was all done by the same author just in different stalls.
However upon closer look (The H's, B's, Y's), there are clear distinctions that cannot be ignored.
By my count there are at least three distinctly different PRIMARY handwriting. I say at least because I am not an expert (moderate... studied a few years ago). And I say primary because the less relevant smaller and not quite in focus (secondary) are clearly different.
The pictures being in black and white are for artistic preference. Though they might have been easier to distinguish authors and writing styles, it sends a bigger picture being two-tone. Further, we are left to assume that only black Sharpies were used. Can you tell the difference between black and blue in a black and white environment?
That being said, we (I) do not know if these were all taken from one location (one base), or multiple locations. For the sake of argument it doesn't really matter.
Just sit back, and realize that our boys in uniform aren't stupid, they know what's really going on... Better than most of us.
Posted by: Joe | November 06, 2008 at 20:37
Enough proof for me is the amount of people going AWOL!
It just doesn't make much sense to kill people who haven't done you any wrong, who's only crime against America is having to put up with a dictator your oil companies helped put into power, but he knew you were going to stab him in the back and takeover Iraq to get to Iran.
At least Obama can help make up for the crime of ethnic cleansing during Katrina and the governments hand in dumping cocaine into mainly Black communities back in the 80's.
Posted by: Billy | November 06, 2008 at 21:03
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Posted by: Thomas Jefferson | November 07, 2008 at 02:25
pleese tell me witch latrenes these are. i need to report these to department of homeland security.
thank you
[email protected]
password: popcorn
Posted by: sarah palin | November 07, 2008 at 03:41
I hate my boss too :( I wish I didn't have to do the job that I signed up for...
Posted by: Jake | November 07, 2008 at 08:49
Those images look so fake. The writing does look like it was mostly done by the same person, and looks like it was photoshopped with a certain kind of brush setting. While I agree with the messages, I don't agree with trickery such as this. Also I didn't know we allowed Latin King gang members to enlist (note the "ALK" in a crown in the second photo). For all we know this is some inner city public restroom.
BTW, the sarah_palin yahoo account password doesn't work, lol. Not like I expected it to though.
Posted by: Simon Templar | November 07, 2008 at 13:06
Clever guy this Bush. He even chasnged his birth certificate to convince the world he was born on JULY 6, 1946 when he was really born on June 6. Come on Zoriah, you just lost all credibility.
Posted by: marianne beyer | November 07, 2008 at 13:33
Can someone inform the site owner to revamp the site to a better than black background.
On the subject of shit houses walls ( Oval office shit hole) reads--That lump in McCain's mouth is Bush's Balls
Posted by: George in Toronto | November 07, 2008 at 15:16
"...every one of those "handwritings on the wall", except the last one, appear to have been written with the same black Sharpie pen and in the same handwriting."
One never knows, do one. As a friend of mine wrote:
"Which reinforces my idea that conspiracy theorists and fanatic religious believers have the same kind of blind spots in their brains. I think the god spot, if such a place exists, has fired into a new analogue semiotics which replaces man driven conspiracy for the divine."
The second most ardent religious nut I know, a severely bipolar man who devotes himself almost entirely to the 'idee fixee' that the Bible can be proven true rationally, spends most of his time scouring early Aramic and Greek codices to this end.
Are we now reduced to handwriting analysis of writing on shithouse walls, and amateur alleged photoshop critiques, to determine whether or not we should believe in a thing (this fellow's set of posted photos) even though there is no way to prove or disprove the veracity of Zoriah's photos other than to have been in those stalls at the time those words were written?
Considering the nature of shithouse stall privacy and the pride of the average soldier, this seems as impossible as proving whether or not someone like a God wrote or inspired the writing of the Bible.
(The first most ardent religious nut I know is a full-blown paranoid schizophrenic (what his shrink calls "three deviations from the norm") who believes he has been given prophetic powers by God.
Man can scat a mean glossolalia, though.
Posted by: kenmeer livermaile | November 08, 2008 at 06:22
Jesus Christ people !!
you are arguing over wether or not these are fake ?
Why would he do that, have you seen the rest of his images ? Have you seen the series of Tattoos ? I suppose those are fake as well.
You people need to get the fuck off your computers and get outdoors and fucking DO SOMETHING !!!
If all you can do with your time is pathetically try to discredit Zoriah, by trying to say these things are fake, then you have WAYYYYY to much time on your hands. Get a life and shut the fuck up, jesus, this is worse than a small town knitting circle.
Are you a bunch of old women or what ?
fer fucks sake !!!
Posted by: James Rhodes | November 10, 2008 at 16:03
These images are NOT fake! Just the Bush camp trying to discredit facts! You really think the military is pro-Bush? LMAO!!!!!
Posted by: Sherry | November 11, 2008 at 01:04
Actually i hate to tell you but alot of our men and women over there, while they may not feel we should have gone over there in the first place, now believe we need to stay there to finish the job. But it is because of media like this that is twisting things and turning them negative. nevermind the good that is being done there right?
Posted by: 15twifey | November 12, 2008 at 23:05
It really is quite amazing the shit that people can come out with.. It's one of the reasons why i hold back alot when posting my own images online.. From reading some of the the above comments, i seriously underestimated the amount of fucking morons there actually is out there, people with nothing better to do than to scrutinize wall writings, to see if it's fake or not. Get outside and get yourselfs laid assholes, pay for it if you have too. Because if your life has come to this, something has gone fucking wrong..
Zoriah, your doing a fine job.. keep up the good work man..
Posted by: Cotter | November 14, 2008 at 00:18
How cool! I wrote "Impeach Cheney/Bush" in the stall of the third photo when I was on my second deployment to Iraq. I still have the Sharpie that I used.
Posted by: JD | November 15, 2008 at 19:44
I really can't say how I got here, to protect the innocent, but I would like your permission to use these images and link to this site.
If you would be so kind as to let me spread the word, email me and I will be all over this like the stink of death on Shrub.
Thanks in advance.
The Ornery Bastard.
Posted by: Bustednuckles | December 03, 2008 at 07:56
Get real! These images are NOT fake! Most troops are no way in hell pro Bush you liar! Just his cronies patrolling any sites that tells how the troops really feel and spin it!
Posted by: Sherri | December 17, 2008 at 22:03
Well here's a book on the legacy of George Bush that'll keep you on the seat of your pants..."The Legacy of George W Bush, A Collection of Confliction Opinions.
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Posted by: electronic gadgets | December 21, 2010 at 10:08
I am posting a contact sheet below of a few other latrine images from Iraq and Kuwait.
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Posted by: קוסמטיקאית | March 06, 2011 at 14:40
mas sempre !!! Gente, e ela tá chic a beça, foi citada na edição da revista Agulha de ouro de outubro, éééé ela não é "fraca" não !!! hehehe . Pronto, falei....e se vc está brava pode vir aqui e me "bater" ...vou adorar. hehehe
Posted by: kalis | March 19, 2011 at 19:22
Also, Unfortunately, it is safely in the Green Zone to him, full of his financiers, friends and associates. Too bad he was not in the open, where you can really see his constitutents, Americans whose lives he so horribly affected.
Posted by: קוסמטיקאית | May 04, 2011 at 15:18
Oh wow.. never thought of it this way.. hmm, you made me think there mate!! Quite quite interesting.. the more I thought about it, the more it made me feel as if there is something further to this.. hm mm really very interesting..
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Posted by: Love Zahir | August 04, 2011 at 17:28
Oh my God is that handwriting really true? I feel so sorry. Now US soldiers has came home gradually. It's better to not see them on Iraq. God please save us.
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