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Photojournalism Workshops

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  • Zoriah's photography has appeared in the following publications:
    Newsweek • The New York Times • CNN • Fortune • The Wall Street Journal • BBC News • The United States Library of Congress • NPR • Focus • ABC News • NBC • CBS • The United Nations • Paris Match •  Democracy Now •  NWK • GQ • Elle • Cosmopolitan • The New York Globe • UNICEF • The Guardian • Marketplace • The International Herald Tribune • Liberation • Europe Business Week •  The Huffington Post •  Michael Moore • PBS • Now • Penguin Publishing • The Copenhagen Star • The San Francisco Chronicle • World Economist • Shanghai Chronicle • World News Network • Newsweek Japan • Newsweek Arabic • Focus • Warner Brothers • Universal Studios • Beijing Globe • Cafe •  Publico • Fox News • Conde Nast • On The Media OTM • Penguin Books • L’Express • Grands Reportage • Suddeutsche Zeitung • L’illustre • Atlantico •  The Boston Review • The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) • Index on Censorship • BAGnewsNotes • American Medical News • Politikken • IPTV Mexico • Choc • Grazia Neri • 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  • Public Presentations and Lectures
    Zoriah has begun to devote a portion of each year to lecturing and presenting to universities, institutions and at political events. For universities, a typical itinerary consists of two days of presentations to multiple departments followed by a public, multi-departmental lecture. The presentations can be tailored in length and subject matter to each department and the multidepartmental lecture currently consist of a thirty minute slideshow showcasing recent work from Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, the Asian Earthquake and the Tsunami. The lecture touches on many subjects including the art of visual storytelling, the current state of the media and my own thoughts on documenting life in conflict. Lectures can be tailored to the need of each individual organization, university or event.

Support Independent Journalism

    Each photo story that I bring to the world costs literally thousands of dollars to produce. While transportation to and from remote locations eats up the majority of my budget, I must also pay for food, accommodation, insurance and equipment such as body armor, cameras, lenses, photo storage and equipment maintenance costs. - These photo stories depend on your support and funding. Without your donations these projects will live only in my dreams and not in reality, where the world can see them and be affected by them. If you enjoy seeing this work and believe in supporting truly independent photojournalism, please support it. - The power of the still image to teach, affect and inspire change is truly amazing and people like you make it all possible. Every dollar counts! - You can choose to make a one time donation, or set up recurring monthly payments. If you have not considered recurring monthly payments, these are a great way to fund ongoing projects without putting a strain on your pocketbook. - Because documentary photography is my full time job, recurring payments provide a much needed monthly income and let me focus on the issues that are truly important, intead of what subjects will sell to the corporate media. - - Secure donations can be made below with PayPal. If you are not comfortable with online payments, please contact us for an address to mail a money order or cashiers check to


Available Workshops: Location Tailored to Interest

  • Mexico:
    Fossil Fuel Impact. Document car culture and its effects on the environment in one of the worlds most polluted cites, Mexico City.
  • Israel and Palestine:
    Compare and contrast life in Jerusalem and life in the West Bank city or Ramallah.
  • Indonesia:
    Child Drug Addicts. Photograph the lives of children addicted to inhalants.
  • Morocco:
    Travel Photography. Travel from Cassablanca to Marakesh and produce a travel related photo series.
  • Honduras:
    Travel and Underwater Photography. Students produce a travel story with two to five days being underwater photography instruction by Zoriah and the master divers at Ocean Connections PADI Dive Shop. *students without a scuba diving license will complete a three day licensing course durning the beginning of the workshop.
  • Laos:
    Shoestring Travel. Students travel through Laos and produce a story geared to budget minded travelers and backpackers - Brazil: Amazonian Deforestation. Work in the Amazon Basin documenting the environmental impact of clear cutting.
  • Japan:
    Technology and The Modern World. Explore the role of technology in our lives in one of the most advanced cities on planet earth. *Japan workshops have higher tuitions and higher living costs.
  • Turkey:
    The New Face of The Refugee Crisis. Live in an urban jungle pupulated by refugees from around the world while documenting their lives...and your own.
  • Philippines:
    Poverty's Environmental Impact: Work in urban slums to show the impact of poverty on the ocean and environment.
  • Lebanon:
    Palestinian Refugees. Spend time photographing the lives of Palestinian refugees living in camps around the country.
  • Nicaraqua:
    Shanty Towns. Documenting life in extreme poverty.
  • China:
    Modernizing an Ancient Culture. Document how modernization and progress effect an ancient culture in the amazing city of Shanghai.
  • India:
    Beggars life. Spend one week documenting the life of homeless or "untouchable" man or woman.
  • Pakistan and Kashmir:
    Working in Extreme Conditions. This workshop is designed to give higher-level students a chance to experience work under adverse conditions.
  • Vietnam
    Comparing urban and rural poverty. Students spend half the workshop photographing in Saigon and the other half in Chau Doc or another small village.
  • Cambodia
    AIDS Orphans - live in an orphanage and document the lives of one or more children.


  • Zoriah is an award-winning photojournalist whose work has been featured in some of the world’s most prestigious galleries, museums and publications. Zoriah's clients have included The BBC, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, ABC News, NPR, Focus and many others. With a background in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Aid, Zoriah specializes in documenting human crises in developing countries. His vitae not only lists photographic achievements and study, but also the in-depth training and experience necessary for working under extreme conditions in some of the world's harshest environments
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Rights and Usage

  • Images and text from this blog may be republished online in blogs as long as full credit is given. A link to http://www.zoriah.com must be given as well as a credit line under each image reading "© zoriah/www.zoriah.com" The owner holds all original copyright and licenses. Republishing rights for bloggers only, companies, organizations, NGO's and similar must first obtain permission before republishing. Contact www.zoriah.com/contact for more information or email info at zoriah dot com.

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« Lectures - Michigan State University/Detroit | Main | Kenya - Child Poverty »

April 14, 2009


Very sad but breathtakingly photographed. Thanks for sharing!

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



Beautiful blog. A thing to note though
As harsh as these photos look, if they were not working they probably would be dead.

They would be dead but there should be more to life than just to live, quality of life.

It's important to ask, "what is the next best alternative for these children?". People in America love to say "they SHOULD be in school, or they SHOULD be playing with their friends". But the harsh reality is that if many of these kids weren't working in factories, they would be digging through trash heaps for scrap metal (many do) and working as prostitutes. If not that, then starvation.

At least this way, they are learning a skill. If Americans weren't so protectionist with their wealth and industry, more factories would move abroad and the competition for workers would raise wages in these third world countries.

Rather than donating a dollar to someone in a foreign country (or perhaps, in addition to?) start supporting globalization and allowing domestic industry to move abroad. We can definitely live on a little less, and they could definitely live on a little more. Capitalism isn't a zero sum game. We'll all get ahead in the end when our fellow man in places like Bangladesh are as productive as we are.

We don't have a "right" to an ultra high standard of living. And if you feel you have a "responsibility" to help these people, let MORE factories go abroad. It's the fastest, long term way to help.

"If they were not working they would probably be dead"

That reminds me of the slogan over the gate at Auschwitz: "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" (work makes one free).


Your employees must love you.


There is a huge difference between factories in poor countries and Auschwitz. People voluntarily work at these factories. In fact, when new ones open up, people struggle to get a job in one. That's the case because their alternatives are so terrible.

You can not compare someplace people fight to get in, with someplace people fight to get out.

That reminds me of the slogan over the gate at Auschwitz: "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" (work makes one free).

So what?
Your political correctness won't change anything. It just makes you feel good, so you won't feel the need to acually do something at all...

The question is: What could we do to stop that?

If you look into the past, the slavery in US was largely due to big demand for cotton and the fact that it was cheaper to produce it that way than any other way. Now, there is big demand for everything: clothes, electronic toys, food, whatever. There are those who will pay and there is a workforce which does not demand a reasonable wage. Two things are theoretically possible: either those who pay won't pay or those who work won't work. Is it doable? I wonder. The Western world is currently too much inclined to consume, consume and overconsume and give away as little as possible. We've already had a crisis as a result of such philosophy, and may be it's not an end.

I am convinced that the problem must be solved where it starts: in all those places where there are people with no access to the way of life suitable for a human: clean water, enough food, school for kids and work for parents. As long as these places exist, we will never stop having problems on the Earth, I am afraid.

@Wayne Pugh "At least this way, they are learning a skill. If Americans weren't so protectionist with their wealth and industry, more factories would move abroad and the competition for workers would raise wages in these third world countries."

America is THE most giving nation on Earth. There comes a point where you can stop blaming the US for ever tear in a child's eye and start putting the onus on some of the other countries of the world who product mass amounts of money.

The children don't volunteer themselves. Countries like Bangladesh remain in a developing country status because of the inability to achieve any economic growth. Poverty is widespread. When you argue for more factories from developed countries to go abroad or that these jobs exists to "help" an otherwise fatal situation, that is just false. Developed nations and some developing nations have and more importantly control the bulk of the resources. When we outsource jobs in the processing of raw goods and suppress them from developing any goods themselves as a country through the use of tariffs and international trade laws, the root of their poverty stricken economy is apparent. Don't forget the developed nations initially prospered under protectionist policies. And yet we don't allow others to? And then say eventually "globalization" will aid them in the long-run? I'm sorry, but that's complete and utter BS.

Another situation where people rather address the symptoms than the problem.

I think a pragmatic solution would to be to make it a nationwide law that, since these children work 9-10 hour days, make them stay an additional two and get some sort of formal education. In fact, turn these factories into makeshift educational dormitories. These factories are not going to stop overnight due to western outrage. Even if they did, what will these children do, how will they eat? Western sympathy and dollars can only go so far.

Welcome to the world of the poor, it's crowded and dirty.

Really very frightening. These images bring tears to my eyes.

This might sound bad, but many of these kids are gaining real-world work experience that's much more valuable than the theoretical bullshit that's shoved down kids throats in schools and universities.

Teach them to read, and give them some leadership training, and they will kick some serious ass over our pussified kids.

It feels dishonest to measure their pay in US Dollars. How much per day does 1 dollar buy in Dhaka? Judging by the labor rates, it buys a lot. Measured in true cost of living, I don't think these people would appear as drastically underpaid as the photos imply.

To Wayne and Pat: Did either of you have to dig through trash heaps or "gain real-work experience" by forced labor starting at the early age of 5? No, I didn't think so. There is nothing 'pussified' about learning such 'theoretical b.s.' like math and science; you should be THANKFUL that many people before you dedicated the majority of their lives to such endeavors and now you can reap the rewards in the form of better medicine, better food, better machinery, etc. Yes, much education is not practical, but teaches you the importance of how to THINK; something neither of you two have apparently done in any serious manner regarding the subject of child labor or I gather much else other than what you are TOLD by others.

@ Wayne Pugh

I understand the point you are trying to make. However, as you have mentioned, workers (children) are fighting to work in those conditions because of the alternative. So, according to you, they either work like this or die. Right? Doesn't sound much like volunteerism to me. Sounds similar to the choice of workcamps. Work in these conditions or die.

I also understand the point/idea that sending more industry to these countries could help to create more jobs which would increase competition for jobs causing wages to rise. But a few problems I see with this... One reason jobs are moving overseas now is because companies CAN pay lower wages to workers (pictured above). These companies are not wanting to pay lower wages so they can employ more people. They want to pay lower wages so they can make more profit. They move to these countries because they don't HAVE to pay these people a livable wage. This is one reason the auto industry (and others) move out of the US. In the US they HAVE to pay a 'minimum wage'. US industry has a huge lobby to keep the minimum wage low.

By endorsing globalization (which is not a totally bad thing, but is not the end all be all answer) you are under the assumption that business has an altruistic side. The goal of a company is to make a profit. To produce a product that is cheap to make, has an acceptable quality, and will sell. Companies skimp of the quality of the product and hire as cheap labor as is possible.

People are always talking about the robot revolution of the industrial sector but I think this shows why its not really necessary. People are very efficient machines that only cost 10 USD a month to operate. It would be great if ant0child labor laws were not only abolished, but incentives were offered to companies able to get super-cheap labor. Industry would boom and the economy would improve. Force them into close living quarters and naturally even more drones will result! Of course its best to keep them in the lower "mud" races as they are less intelligent and thus unlikely to rebel. It's not slavery if they are "paid" and have (many of the same) choices of employment!

"America is THE most giving nation on Earth."... eh, noooooooooo....

wow that is truly wrong, they should be in school or something

Forgot to mention !

I think a solution would to be to make it a nationwide law that, make them stay an additional two and get some sort of formal education. In fact, turn these factories into makeshift educational dormitories. These factories are not going to stop overnight due to western outrage. Even if they did, what will these children do, how will they eat? Western sympathy and dollars can only go so far.

Welcome to the world of the poor, it's crowded and dirty.

Seeing these kids on the street begging for food would be even more sad, which if they didn't have a job would be the case.

So...how much does Munna make? One image says 7, one says 8 USD per month. Great images, but if there is to be info included, it needs to be entered accurately to avoid tainting the facts, as they begin appear contrived.

The terrible conditions these children endure are very, very similar to how things were in the U.S. and western Europe in the nineteenth century and even into the twentieth century. It was common for little children as young as 6 or 8 to work grueling 12 hour days in hazardous conditions for a pittance. Child labor laws--including compulsory education laws--existed, but were routinely ignored and unenforced. The only way to end child labor is to make it possible for parents to earn enough to support their families. In this country, it was the 1935 Fair Labor Standards Act, which established a livable minimum wage, that dealt the death blow to many forms of child labor.

I came across a service which lets anyone sponsor a child for £12 ($18 a month) a month http://www.plan-uk.org/becomeasponsor/.

The first thing you’ll receive when you become a sponsor is a welcome pack which contains information and pictures of the child you are sponsoring. Letters and pictures of your sponsored child. You can even track progress of the child, etc.

Make a difference! Help these kids!

Those images are hard to see without evoking some kind of sympathy for the children in them. However, the harsh truth is that we (as American citizens) pay taxes to support OUR infrastructure. We have a government whose responsibility is first and foremost to ITS citizens. As hard as it is to see the level of poverty that exists in this world, we have a lot of things to fix in our neck of the woods first.

Send factories and jobs to other countries? Right, and what do you say to the workers here who lose their jobs? "Sorry, we gave your job to someone who needs it more." That's B.S. If you are concerned for the welfare of children like the ones in the pictures then be proactive about it of your own accord. WantToHelp's comment above me is right on the money. Sponsor a child. But to expect the American public to sacrifice their well being in the interest of another country is unreasonable.

I know that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. It isn't the position of the American government to tend to the well being of other nations, just its own. That's why we have non-profit organizations and other NGO's to help. If you are truly concerned about poverty and other situations then donate a large chunk of your time and/or money to a non-profit organization like Amnesty International or the Peace Corps. That is the most effective way to help.

But you see I'm willing to bet that an overwhelming majority of people who come onto sites like these and complain about these terrible situations won't do that. They want to stay comfortable in their lifestyles and feel better about themselves by putting down their government's efforts (or lack thereof) in helping. When the bottom line is that the only government who is truly responsible for the horrible conditions of the people we witness is the one that governs them.

I'm not intending to sound heartless. In fact quite the opposite. I whole-heartedly encourage proactivity in this situation. Go help or donate money to do so. Just don't expect my tax dollars or government's time to do it for you.

I think you need to understand that it is the US responsibility for these abuses to be happening, since the whole monetary system was implemented and supported by the US economic policies and own self-interest -through means of soft power- and because it happens that the WB and the IMF are funded by the US Federal Reserve (a quasi-private corporation) = which holds US dollar as the most internationally used currency. Let's not forget which major corporations are working there and for the most part they're American companies; we must not forget that they are as responsible for the exploitation of people (children and adults) as the governments that allow this to happen in their countries.

Very sad....Is there a trustworthy aid-fund setup?

You think these kids have problems?! I'm trying to figure out if I should buy a $425,000 house, or stretch it to my max at $470,000 ... can you believe the problems I have to deal with, here in America? Meanwhile, no one's taking pictures of me!*


lol hy metafilter!

@Catalina: I'm not buying it. The average American citizen is not responsible for privately held corporations. Yes there should be better regulations, but to place the blame for a company's bad practices on the American populace is ludicrous.

And you simply cannot reasonably blame the existence of factory sweat shops on the US involvement in the current economic state. I don't argue that there was (still is?) economic corruption happening w/ the IMF/WB, but to say that these terrible working conditions for children are as a result of this situation is foolish. That's the equivalent of saying that gun manufacturers are murderers because they produce products that kill. Someone chooses to pull the trigger of a gun. Just like someone in their own country chose to exploit these children.

So Catalina, this is the fault of the US? Are you serious?? The fault is entirely Bangladesh's. And not just it's government, but it's people.

The actual problem is one that no one here is mentioning: SEVERE OVERPOPULATION.

Bangladesh has over 150 million people, on a tiny country just slightly larger than Greece (which has only 11 million people, btw). It is the most densely populated country in the world outside of small islands or specialized city-states (like Monaco or Vatican City). Because of this, there are no rain forests or wildlife left at all. It has all been wiped out long ago. When humans become such a tight mass of people in such a small space, life tends to be greatly devalued.

NGOs and charities help in the short run. But the best way to assist in the long run is to support efforts to curb the population growth there. Historically, educating women is probably the best way to limit family sizes.

WE ARE ALL part of the problem. WE ARE ALL part of the solution.

Sad to think in Western countries we try so hard to find the "best deal" and the "best price".

Try to support "fair trade" and organic products and services when you can. We have the power to vote with our dollars.

Even better. Stop the consumer wheel and try for one day, one week, or one year to buy nothing new.

i would like to build a brick home and would like to hire them for $1.50 per 1000 bricks please contact me on 0402 234 080 if interested

Zoriah...your work continues to astound me...cannot wait to see you again & hope that your work brings you back to the 303 soon. mallurd.

all of us need to realize the impact of decisions by our leaders, this globalization and capitalist mentality is creating a new generation of dictators who manipulate money thereby manipulate lifes of whole masses. look at our current recession, this may have brought lot of suffering to working families living on edge here in U.S. but these bank executives and financial experts are living a good life and getting bailed out.

Capitalism. Problems ? Maybe you say "oh, only if those children would be replaced by grown ups" ? That only postpones slavery.
Search for "gospel of consumption, "story of stuff" and "the oil we eat".

Brenda dont be obnoxious

Work like this or die?

In far too many instances, there are and should be more than two options or alternatives. It's a bit offensive to read that the only 'alternative' is that these kids would be dead if they didn't work in cruel and sub-par conditions. That's a bullshit and over-simplified response.

Economic development is important, this much is true. Agriculture and industry are two primary sources of generating income. They are cardinal means of providing not only structure to an economy but also providing a means by which one can subsist.

Lesser developed nations NEED to establish firm rules and regulations regarding these things. But, far too often we, as developed nations, turn a blind eye to the cruelest of conditions and scenarios that this world spits out. That said, seeing these images doesn't make them any less abhorable just because they are from a depressed nation.

This post is an excellent contribution to the world. It shows the suffering of those innocent kids. Your photos are really great it seems as if I am something right in front of me in real.
I hope the word speads and may those children be provided a better life soon.

"So what?
Your political correctness won't change anything. It just makes you feel good, so you won't feel the need to actually do something at all..."

Do what?

If there is one thing these kids are not helped with it is pity. It is unfair to these kids to look in from a completely different world and feel sorry for them. What they are doing, along with their parents (if they have any) is surviving. And just because our lives are sugar coated with materialism, it does not mean we are not surviving. Only we are faced survival in a different way, emotionally for one. But every single human being on this earth has his/hers own struggle day by day. And that's right: nobody takes pictures of that.
If you feel pity for these kids, but when push comes to shove would not be willing to spread the wealth, you are actually being disrespectful to those trying keeping their head above water. Life is a bitch and we all have to make the best of it. These pictures hopefully serve to at least think about what really matters in life.

I could'nt stop my tear drops! I wish I could do something for this kids! Why dont the government of rich countries worry about these more than going after WMD or neuclear warefare? Is'nt it much bigger problem than those war issues?

Bangladesh is size of Wisconsin and has half the population of U.S.A.
You are part of the problem too! Some examples below:
1) See the houses in Bangladesh, almost anybody and everybody will violate the design and extend wall, balcony etc. Never thinking of fire hazard, neighbor, need for open space!
2) Nowhere else on earth you would see people spitting, urinating all over the place! Offices, School, Street everywhere!
3) Open a textbook and you will read things like, “If a milkman adds water to the milk and sells it for x amount, how much additional profit is there!” What are we teaching! Another example: “A monkey climbing on a slippery bamboo goes up 3 feet and comes down 1 feet in every 1 minutes, what height will the monkey reach after 5 minutes!”. Amazing textbooks!
4) Give the country to the German, Chinese, English, Vietnamese, anyone for that matters and I am sure they will stop the downfall of the nation!
Forgive my “self deprecation“; but we got 150 million self centered, greedy, unethical, well suited hoodlum who love to loot! Massive fraud, misleading info and outright criminal activity is becoming the norm of everyday life in Bangladesh. Unfortunately I see it only getting worst!

Akash - Your pics are poignant and powerful.

The business owners and proprietors have been corrupted by the sweatshop industry itself. They will only become more ambitious and greedy if the situation is kept stagnant. I think its mainly a matter of recognising the importance of the current situ.The govt needs to be shaken by the shoulders and made to see its not just a case of instilling laws to quell international pressure. They need to feel against this injustice with a passion and convey it to the military so that these manufacturers will be checked and suitably punished.

The govt definitely must define an age margin for recruitment with consideration of the economic situation. It also could define a max %/number of child workers and adults that can be employed per business. It could define that the workers need to share a certain % of the profits made. Ethical business practices must be recognised and awarded.

I work at a apparel manufacturing company and the vendors we work with, (luxurious US and UK brands), are immensely aware and concerned about our working practices.If we demonstrate unethical business practices they will just stop giving us their orders!If this is actioned with more of the West needs actively concious about where they are buying from it would be a good start.

To me this is out of context cultural propaganda...this type of treatment of children has been going on globally even here and now in the west for generations,decades. The photos are bright and shiny and elicit sentimentality when we juxstapose them with our cute pictures of childhood
based on the plentitude of western existence. Although it brings to light a poignant realization i find it misrepresentational of its true motivation.
Anyone who could take such artistic photos of these scenes to me is inauthentic and somewhat mirror the practice of the employers by using anothers unfortunate(desperate) situation to benefit themselves. Sorry.

Only one correct comment out of the lot so far.


That is the cause of what you see in the photos and in any factory of any overpopulated developing country on the planet. 'Helping' these children by sending them money or 'sponsoring' them actually makes the problem worse. It enables them to grow up and have 4 to 12 kids of their own.

Want to start helping these nations, stop giving them aid. Want to really help them indiscriminately, drop enough bombs on them to wipe out 90% of their populations. Want to help them selectively, set aside your specific 10% of the population then kill the remaining 90%.

But don't feel too bad for them America, with your 'faith based' abstinence bullshit and your soaring teen pregnancy rates, you're a couple generations away from the same fate. Cheers!!

The pictures look very sad I feel for them but one good thing is that they are not begging on the street. I suspect some people may take this case to American Congress to suspend Import quotas and AIDS for Bangladesh.

Child labor is a natural outcome of societies' evolution from a collection of independent agricultural producers to an organized industrial state. All modern free-market economies used child labor at one time or another. It is expected.

However, the fact that it is expected does not mean that it is acceptable. The efforts of government, investors, entrepreneurs, consumers and workers can be combined to change the labor landscape.

Government can adopt progressive labor laws that address minimum wages and gradually increase the legal age at which a child can seek employment. Government also plays an important role in consumer education.

Investors can organize at the shareholder level to approve corporate standards that allow for additional expense and time at the production level to account for shorter work days, higher wages, more sustainable environmental practices. Shareholders of large corporations like Walmart and Target can make it difficult for the company to purchase goods and services from suppliers using unethical production practices.

Entrepreneurs, who operate on the front line of this battle, can incrementally change the labor landscape within their own businesses by adopting ethical and sustainable employment and production practices. However, small businesses are the beating heart of all economies. They have to stay competitive. Businesses operating within a given economy simply cannot raise production and labor costs beyond a profitable framework. To do so would imperil their very existence. Progressive entrepreneurs can agree to work towards a desirable endstate in partnership with investors, government, workers and consumers, however.

Consumers can understand that it will take their dollars to change the system. It isn't about boycotts, or reducing consumption necessarily. While a child may have been employed to make your product, which is not socially just, there is also a job at the end of your purchase which routed resources to a family, which is socially just and desirable. It's about making good purchasing choices. Choose to purchase fair trade products and at stores and corporations that participate and sustain a fair trade economy. Note: You will pay more for your purchases, and you should. Creating the wealth that enables a child to not work during childhood is expensive.

Finally - the workers also have a responsibility to fight to determine their own working conditions and their minimum wages. Child labor and dangerous, toxic factories in third-world countries are the new green field for labor organizing. Labor organizing activities in emerging economies have a large role to play in forcing change. These struggles can be bloody. They usually are protracted, difficult negotiations. However, the voice of the worker must be represented by workers - not to reduce profit and engender entitlement - but to participate as equals representing perhaps the most valuable commodity in a market-based economy - labor.

These photos are stunning. The composition, the colour, and the exposure are all absolutely spot on.

What body/lens did you shoot these with?

The deception of the 1st World Dream! Is it worth buying something cheap and expendable knowing some kid lost their childhood to make it. But then if we dont where do they get money to feed their families and themselves. So do we rally for better wages and better work environment or dont buy Wallmart? If they have better wages and better work environments then the owners wont make as much because of the costs associated with better work environments and not cutting corners on their overhead. Prices on products will have to increase in order for the owner to recoup for overhead costs. Then North America companies will buy products where they can get the best deal and cheapest to keep their prices down and get more for their overhead. So basically our sick, gluttonous, prosperous, over eating, over spending, never satisfied, always wanting more society drives this vicious cycle of demand and supply. People in those countries leave the land and go to the city with the dream of the LIE!

This was incredibly eye opening. These beautiful children are forced to be in such awful situations and as some of those commenting have asked, what can we do about it?
I think so much can be done for these children and the rest of the around 27 million people in slavery around the world.
Although one commenter has said that the problem could be solved by bombs I don't think anyone in their right mind would agree with that. We can help these people. I do agree that aid may be a good amount of help, but also getting involved in extracting these helpless children from their situations can be a lot more help.
I hope that more people will read this and look at these images with wide open eyes and hearts and look for ways to help.
There are many organizations that are honest and willing to share with interested parties exactly what they are doing to better the lifestyles of these children.
I think we have turned a blind eye to these injustices taking place. We have ignored them in our own country for too long and are now ignoring what is happening to our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
Thank you for the information that has hopefully inspired someone to do something right.

this makes me incredibly incredibly sad

To the A**Hole who said: 4) Give the country to the German, Chinese, English, Vietnamese, anyone for that matters and I am sure they will stop the downfall of the nation!

The British ran the place for centuries!!!
How much more colonization do you want?

Bangladesh is a strong country with a strong people and they too will be worldbeaters they just need time.

reminds me of something out of a dickens novel- the uk's workhouses.

Its very sad that they have to work hard and get no education, basically this is their future too ...

thanks for sharing


Respectfully taking everyone's positions into consideration, these are still remarkably beautiful photographs. I didn't want that to get lost in the discussion.

kimse ağlayıp sızlamasın oturduğu yerden klavye başından vah vah ne yazık demesin belkide şu an klavyesinden bi boklar yazdığımız bilgisayarımızın bir parçası sağlığı pahasına bu çocukların elinden geçmiştir.

siktiğimin lanet dünya düzeniniz...işte sonuçları

personally, i think everyone needs to stop trying to blame child labour on something and just focus on stopping it. I realize it's far from that easy to say the least, but arguing over whose fault it is only wastes time and energy.

This is a sad situation, but not just in Bangladesh. There are migrant workers here in the U.S.A. who are working in the fields.

Wow very very nice pictures. Thanks ya.

These images are incredible-- thanks for sharing. I'm sure everyone here saw this report already, but the United Nations NY headquarters is selling the artwork of Ugandan child soldiers to support goodwill programs there:


There's no schooling system, they are old enough to lift things, what else are they going to do? This is a way of life.


Well! is very beautiful the sequence of photos very sad I am on having seen to the children but beautiful photos, i liked!.I will continue seeing next photographies.
Congratulations and luck!
From Mexico!

Nem é preciso ler o texto! As fotos dizem mais ainda!

Será que seria mesmo necessário tanto dinheiro para mudar tal situação? Ou um governo mais humano, voltado ao SER HUMANO e não ao capitalismo, minimizaria esse problema?

Terezinha Pereira

Criminal islamic religion forbbides birth control, so in medium average each woman in Bangladesh has 5 kids...
After there are more kids than food to educate properly these youth.
And some western organisations help in birth growth of population, that grows in foolish rate of 5% a year...
No land enough, too much people, hunger, child work.
What do you expected?

Do not know what to say ...
I'm shocked!!!

Are these children paying the price the advancement of developing countries? Are these the same bricks that are used to build our houses?

Zoriah seu trabalho é excepcional!

"If Americans weren't so protectionist with their wealth and industry, more factories would move abroad and the competition for workers would raise wages in these third world countries."

...and why are we assuming that the factories in these photos are not, in fact, owned by American corporations?

Dieve koks siaubas. Visiškas beviltiškumas ir ašaros. Juk kiekviename vaike matai savo vaiką...

Feeling So sad For these kids...god help them...


Feel sorry all those child...

I feel sorry for these kids...

This is the real problem of 3th word. But there are many children who work in developed contries, too. Take care!

Child Labor in Bangladesh‏ ~ Child Labor deprives children from childhood and their dignity, which hampers their access to education and acquisition of skills ~

Bangladesh and the garment industry ~
Although child labor is illegal in Bangladesh, for years the powerful garment industry employed between 50,000 and 75,000 children under 14, mainly girls. Bangladesh is one of the world's leading garment exporters, but the situation captured little international attention until 1992, when the US introduced legislation to ban the importation of goods made using child labor. As a result, garment employers dismissed about three-quarters of all children employed in the industry. With no access to education and few skills, the children had few alternatives to escape their crushing poverty. Many went looking for new jobs in stone-crushing, street hustling and prostitution - all more hazardous and exploitative than garment making. Recognizing the need for action, UNICEF and the Ipec program of the International Labor Organization (ILO) began talks with industry leaders in 1993 to find a solution. After two years of difficult negotiations, an agreement was signed in 1995 between the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), UNICEF and the ILO. The parties agreed to: move all workers aged below 14 within four months to appropriate education program; no further hiring of under-age workers; and offer the children's jobs to qualified adult family members. With financial support from UNICEF, two NGO's - Gono Shahjjo Shangstha and the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) - have been placing former child laborers in special schools. There they are protected and receive health care, skills development training and a monthly cash stipend to compensate for their lost wages. Personal bank accounts and credit facilities have been set up for the families.

Bangladesh: An entire industry bans child labor ~
The threat of a consumer boycott of their exported products was one reason why garment manufacturers in Bangladesh decided to put an end to the employment of children under 14 years of age in their 200 factories. Some factory owners - all of them members of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers' and Exporters' Association (BGMEA) - reacted precipitously to the boycott menace by dismissing all their child workers on the spot, thereby attracting criticism for making a bad situation worse by denying poor families access to an important source of income. ILO - IPEC was among those who urged a more comprehensive approach to the problem, to include the rehabilitation of the child workers through regular education and the provision of alternative earning opportunities for the affected families. The outcome was an agreement signed by the Government, BGMEA, IPEC and UNICEF in 1995 to combine in a systematic operation on an unprecedented scale: nothing less than the phasing out of child labor from the entire garment manufacturing industry in a controlled and humane manner. Central elements of the program are rehabilitation of the 10,500 children involved and income support for their families. Regular schooling is the key to rehabilitation, but in many areas schools are either inadequate or non-existent. UNICEF's responsibility is to help overcome that deficiency. By mid-1996 it had 2,100 children enrolled in 130 schools, with the likelihood that all would be in schools well before the year's end. Income support is covered by the payment of a monthly stipend of US$7.50 per student, the cost being shared by BGMEA, IPEC and UNICEF. IPEC has devised a monitoring system, staffed by 25 trained teams, to ensure that factories comply with the agreement, and also to check that the children are regular in their school attendance and have not drifted into work elsewhere. The operation's strengths are considerable. Over 10,000 children will benefit from the change it is making to their lives. Cooperation with employers has been reinforced, a point that has not gone unnoticed by employers' organizations in other countries. The industry has averted the boycott danger.
But it also raises new problems. Stipends are crucial to its success, but the financial obligation they incur is unsustainable; ways must be found to boost family income in the long term. The project targets children from the garment industry over those in other industries, and it also targets families which sent their children to work over those which made the sacrifice of sending them to school. These problems must be yet overcome if the operation is to achieve total success.

A better future for children in poverty ~
Providing children with a quality education, life and income-generating skills is now seen as a means of increasing the options available to working children and their families. It will enable them to escape poverty and the need to work in hazardous or exploitative occupations. To enhance the life possibilities for children, UNICEF Bangladesh developed the Basic Education for Urban Working Children project for 200,000 children, especially girls and their families, to access their rights to education, protection and development. In six cities, working children aged 10 to 14 are provided a non-formal basic education that includes reading, writing, math and life skills lessons using participatory teaching methods specifically designed for the needs of this group. Additionally, 20,000 working children aged 13 years and older will have access to support systems to ensure they can optimize their education, thus improving their life chances. The project started in 2004 and is supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and several UNICEF National Committees. UNICEF Bangladesh also actively advocates for educational, social and economic policies in favor of working children and their families and supports the progressive elimination of child labor.

I think that most simply we need to focus on responsible breeding practices. Stop uneducated people from poping out future slaves in the first place & every country would do better. It will cost to provide birth control to the masses, but in the long run the damage will be stopped from the out of control breeding we are dealing with now.

Dieve koks siaubas. Visiškas beviltiškumas ir ašaros. Juk kiekviename vaike matai savo vaiką...

All things are difficult before they are easy. Whatever we do, we must put our heart and soul in it. Thanks for you blog.

I am so luck to read your article. Perfect! welcome to our website http://www.supras.cc/ so that we can exchange our idea. I hope we both can do a better job in the futher. Thank you!

child labour.............
huh! seems like a very complicated thing............
but it is not.......just some children working where they should not......

isn't it simple......

they are poor ,can't go to school...........

so working in such places.........

maybe also forced by their parents......

no othr reasons come in my mind.................

if u can think u plz find it and tell me..............


Watched them, I am very sad, very distressed, to hear.

Are these children paying the price the advancement of developing countries? Are these the same bricks that are used to build our houses?

I am very sad

I am very sad

i feel sad for these.the most important thing is that we must help them

so sad to see these face ,the kids.

oh my god,it,s piteous!
wecome to www.suprafootwearcom.com

people do not take into account the importance of reading in our lives, since I have 14 years I got used to make reading something important in my life, I think is essential in the developme

I have the deepest sympathy with them.
There is no doubt that UGG is the most popular brand boots

in all winter boots .

Its very deplorable how children are working hard in this age instead of going to a school...
I just hope that this will not be seen in the near future
thanks a lot for sharing your ideas and opening our eyes...
you also helped me in my school assignment =)

Wir spezialisieren uns auf Notebook-Akku

I agree with you . Now all became clear, I thank for the help and I hope to see more such articles.

With narrative approach to photography, you get what you dream of and what you hold in your thoughts, most of the times, even more polished than you thought! Wedding photographers should be experts in clicking the authentic slices of the D day, so that it makes anyone swing with gratitude. That’s what we do and have been doing for the past few years. Balancing the expectations of the clients is a bit of a task and surely not a cake walk, but with our team of dedicated photographers, it doesn’t seem like a tough bet, only a challenge, and we adore challenges. If it’s photography, we are all souls for it!

Very Very worst situation..1 picture is better than 1000 words and so are the photographs speak a lot with no words..People who are busy wid their own joy and sadness must definitely look into this critical situation.. everyone must contribute their best to abolish such a worst thing.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQVTXSgd2Cg Each and every kids face is overwhelmed wid longing, emotions,restlessness..Definitely every reader will be moved to tears...Shocking!!!

Ha hecho un trabajo muy bueno. Hay muchas personas en busca de eso ahora van a encontrar suficientes fuentes por tus consejos.
espera para obtener más consejos acerca de que

It's also important to remember that the U.S is 5% of the population on Earth, and uses 35% of the WORLDS natural resources!

Consider also that the top 1% of wealth holders in this country have more money than the bottom 97% combined!?!?!?!?!!!

That is the problem. Well, that is a major part, the other part is our outright addiction to worthless goods. Wake up people! We need to redistribute the top 1% of the wealth to the people. An inverted tax scale would be nice. And an individual salary cap of oh, I don't know... ...let's say 1 billion annually. The rest goes to the bottom 10%.

Those eyes shocked me. Though they are tired and poor, the eyes are still bright with hopefully. Sometimes we should think and help them who are alaways forgotten and surffer hunger and poor.

you address the real issue of south Asia there is no law of child labour. i hate that people who use child that is crime.http://www.essayhelppros.co.uk/

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    • "A riveting, unflinching set of some of the most poignant photography I've ever come across." No. Nein

    • "In the great Magnum tradition!" David Lewis-Baker

    • "His commitment to photojournalism can not be denied. I am certain he will secure a place amongst some of our best." JR Photography

    • "I've seen many war photos and met a few war photographers, but Zoriah's work deeply touched me." Globe Visions

    • "Zoriah Miller, In looking through his materials on his website, no one could debate the fact that he is enormously talented as a photographer, there's no doubt about it. Photographs taken around the world, many in war-torn regions...extremely moving." Laura Ingraham on the Laura Ingraham Show

    • "You are as J. Nachtway, Alex Majoli, Alexandra Boulat... brave reportage... good, good job..." Salvatore Piermarini

    • "It is a eye opener to view your work, it brings strong emotions when doing so. Your work reflects an other side of the world around us and beyond. Its a honour to be your contact and I will use it to find inspiration for myself. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us." Frits van Sambeek

    • "Le tue foto danno un senso alla vita,c'è chi ha tutto e chi non si può permettere di pensare al futuro...perchè non sa se ci sarà! Più li guardo e più mi commuovo per la bellezza e la dura realtà." Mimmo Messineo

    • "Your work has changed me. It`s such an interesting effect your work has. Amazing art, it also informs so specifically, precisely." Roberto Eiti

    • "Zoriah`s pictures keep me breathless. They are shocking and at the same time they have an attraction which makes me come back to look at them again and again. Zoriah`s work has my full respect. Chapeau!" T. Klick

    • "Your amazing photos take me away from my comfort zone, and I confess I need that. Thank you for being out there and show all of us what is going on beyond our comfortable lives. Please, be safe as much as possible." Itmelo

    • " Zoriah, your pictures bring out so many emotions in me, I'm at a loss for words. They are heart wrenching and thought provoking...thank you for sharing!" Roxy Millado-Duguay

    • The iraq night patrol series was one of the most frightening photo-series I've seen about war. Zoriah pushed war photography in another dimension. You suddenly start appreciating your own life knowing that millions of other souls don't even know how to survive the next night." Dan cinematographer/Berlin

    • "There's a deep meaning in every photo, you've been at the right time and place. Some photos made me cry, and at the same time I was happy to see such a photostream ! It's one of a kind. Thank you so much for sharing.." Hanan Iaway

    • "Zoriah is a REAL photographer...Thank you Zoriah for showing us the truth." Bluto Blutarski

    • "Your work is beyond words. Almost to point of emotional breakpoint." Chieska

    • "Tus fotos son increibles, impactantes. El tratado de blanco y negro es fenomenal... Me quito el sombrero. Ya me gustaría a mi poder hacer trabajos de ese tipo..." Javier Martin

    • "You have some outstanding work! I checked your site and I understand why you have won awards. You really cover your subject matter with an expert eye, very inspiring and eye opening. I will check back often!" Dvdell Photo

    • "Muito muito muito com o seu trabalho... meus sinceros parabens. Fico feliz em ver fotografos engajados com a luta dos povos Beijos e fortes abraços solidários" Ratao Diniz

    • "Incredible not just because they are excellent photographs but because they are frighteningly honest. I hope you continue to make these strong, thought provoking records and that you stay safe in what must be incredibly difficult situations, both physically and emotionally." JimboTF

    • "It would be somewhat of an understatement to say I was impressed with your work. We obviously know how dangerous it is to be involved in that theater (Iraq.) I'm sure that every moment of every day is just on the verge of chaotic for what is that war (war?) if not the ultimate of chaos? And yet you have these moments where you pause to compose image of graphic quality equal to content. Admire all you compositional skills but am especially taken by the wideangle work. Do your best to do so and know you're held in high esteem." Cyclops-Optic

    • "I have to confess, that I couldn't sleep properly after seeing your photos the first time. These images are still in my mind and won't let me go." Vic

    • "There is a great passion in every single shot and I’m very impressed, sad, shocked, touched, deeply moved, frightened and inspired in the same way.You are documenting a very important episode of history. Your pictures speak for themselves and your work is beyond words. Your work is not easy as it is difficult to photograph people in distress. However, it concerns us all and we shall not forget!" Victoria

    • "Into the very depths of my soul. I cannot begin to even sum up with words, the depths of how your images reach out to me. It brings me down to earth and reminds me as to why I picked up the camera in the first place. Your works are truly inspiring. You're very privileged to have to see these places with your own eyes, observe and capture through your lens the true state of the world we live in. As for now, for me, it'll have to be through your eyes, your pictures and the stories they tell. Truly honored," Itzhar

    • "There is a hunger to know the truth about war and your accurate presentation of it is exemplary. I don't believe it possible to be unmoved by your images. This is especially true for those of us who live in a very different world, essentially free from the suffering and carnage you portray. Thank you for your dedication and courage. You are making and incredible contribution to world understanding, hopefully not at an extreme cost to yourself. War photography seems like a hard way to make a living on many levels. Living and breathing civilian trauma is not easy but it is more localized. You can get away from it by driving or moving to another location, but with war there is no escape. The reality is so harsh and overwhelmingly pervasive into all areas of life. Stay safe. Many will be following you." Phopper Nowlin

    • "Thanks, Zoriah, for your hard work and incredible vision, and for the inspiration your example lends to others who have put down the gun, or never carried one." eL Bz

    • "All I can say: 'It's very, very impressive.' Keep up the good work. The world must know!" Mulder Photography

    • "Oh my God! His work is very dramatic! Reporting reality in a way never before seen ...I am impressed." Primo Tacca Neto, Brazil

    • "Your images are so profound - they have so much depth and feeling attached to them. I have much admiration for those who are willing to risk their own safety in order to capture images such as the ones you do." Luke, UK

    • "After watching your pics... I´m absolutely tired. Exhausted. Sooooo much information inside them. One day, I will make pictures like yours, but it will take me three or four lives to learn to do it. Not great but incredible work. Thanks for showing us all the way. Master." Jose Manuel, Spain

    • "I feel honored after I have seen your great work; one day maybe, with more time I hope I will also be able to take the picture I like, going to those place where a photographer contribute can be of a help to improve the quality of life of all those people suffering. Thank you again" Piero

    • "Your images work so well. One thing I would love you to photograph in an ideal world: The impeachment and sentencing of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and team for international war crimes. Those pictures would make a fitting end to your middle east series. Keep doing your thing, you are making a difference." Dan

    • "All Wars are very bad and nobody wins...your photographs are very impressive. Congratulations!" Engin Gerçek

    • "Thank you. Your work is amazing, photojournalism is my most desired form of photography. The stories, emotions, and sights your photographs bring to their audience are moving, maddening, touching, frightening - all the things good photojournalism does. Rock on." Podolux

    • "Powerfoul work. It catches visually my attention, and after some pictures I was inmersed in the humanity, the pain, the fight it reflects. Thanks for sharing this work!" Alejocock

    • "You are an amazing photographer. I look forward to following your work." Professor Brian Morley, Ph.D

    • "Your work is absolutely amazing, I love it because it´s hard and beautiful at the same time, you have the most amazing eye, congratulations." Mirelle B

    • "I am often full of words, but tonight your photos have left me speechless. I cannot even begin to imagine the things you've seen. May God keep your heart as you bare your soul through your captures." Michelle

    • "Really, I can't stress how I admire your work. Your photos really move me. I like photography for its beauty, but how you embed meaning in your photos, is just MIND-BLOWING." Screaming Snapshots

    • "Your photos are incredible, for me photojournalism is the most important form of photography, risking your life to show the world real life is crucial." Colin

    • "Nothing makes me cry these days, too complicated to explain, but having just looked at your photos I am sobbing. I can honestly say they are most shocking and at the same time touching photos I have ever seen. You made me think not just of the subject matter but the situation, atmosphere and also how you felt observing and photographing. Thank you for sharing, truly moved." Anonymous

    • "Your photographs are incredible, powerful and touching. I admire that you have a background in humanitarian aid." Terence

    • "Congratulations for your work, your images give us a glampse about what war is about. Humiliation, pain, only for interests. You make this horrible thing seem human. Thank you." Rafael de Carvalho

    • "I find these kinds of life photos as heartbreaking as those which vulgarly show death and destruction. Such good capture, it tells a whole story..." Petit1ze

    • "Tus fotos son increibles, impactantes. El tratado de blanco y negro es fenomenal... Me quito el sombrero. Ya me gustaría a mi poder hacer trabajos de ese tipo..." Javier Martin

    • "Superb photojournalistic images you have in your gallery! Compels me to comment on almost each one. Let them speak for themselves because they really don't need comments. They yet deserve to be deeply appreciated for all their quality. Hope to see more of your fantastic work soon." Mario Proenca

    • "I've often tried to express this practice, but a photo is worth more than my words." W. Quatman

    • "I've always thought that photographs are a kind of self portrait of the photographer. I appreciate your eye and sensibility and the work you do to make the act of war real to the rest of us I mentioned your "eye," your heart is just as visible in your images." Jerry Downs Photographer

    • "Your work is amazingly powerful. Some hard to look at, but gripping nonetheless." Ron Landucci, Infinite Editions

    • "Simply excelent! It's a great reportage of a difficult situation." Rancescamare • "Stunning!" Matteo de Mayda • "Deserves to take a well earned place in history in the company of Phillip Jones-Griffith, Don Mc Cullen, Larry Burrows and Robert Capa. The minimal presentation of his work is perfect...the viewer fills in the details, and the images linger stubbornly in the memory, to awake one from sleep in a cold sweat...these images cannot be taken in in one viewing...the viewer returns restlessly again and again, attempting to process the information...this is really happening. Iconic, compelling images of war by a true professional.... I take my hat off to him." Goddessofxanadu

    • "A chilling commentary on the madness of war, ALL WAR." Ronzig's Gallery

    • "The worlds cruelty compressed into some thousand pixels ... it's so impressive" Cavo Kernich

    • "This is what photography exists for." Dot Spiral

    • "Right up there with Robert Capa. Wonderful work, you should be with MAGNUM. You are showing all sides of the conflict." Old Rollei

    • "Haunting beyond words." Yarnahoy

    • "Hugely thought provoking work." Leah Franchetti

    • "What you are doing is so, so important. I cannot even contemplate what horror and pain you have seen. But see it we must. True dedication and bravery is the only way to expose such inhumanity. Keep truth as your motto, and maybe this silly world we live in will someday wake up and treat people as living souls, not simply pieces of meat to be traded in worthless pointless conflicts. I salute you sir." Jim Bodownie

    • "Simply excellent! It's a great reportage of a difficult situation."Frances Camare

    • "Amazing work. Absolutely outstanding!" Thomas W.P. Slatin Photography

    • "I am awed by these images. Some rank among the best millitary images I've ever seen, and I've collected all the greats." Konsum Terra

    • "I am in awe. I really don't know what to say. I haven't been this affected since I saw Nachtweys work." Dude Crush

    • "It is a eye opener to view your work, it brings strong emotions when doing so. Your work reflects another side of the world around us and beyond. I will use it to find inspiration for myself. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us." Frits van Sambeek

    • "Amazing! difficult to stomach (I am very emotional)... but just brilliant and captivating. Thanks for sharing all your photos..." Penelope Gan

    • "A photograph is like a symbol for all the frightening aspects of a disastrous war that brings so much suffering to so many innocent people on both sides. Great, valuable, artful, high class photography that shows the true face of what is going on in Iraq after the "Holy Mission" was declared completed so long time ago. I bow in respect of your great work." Helmut Schadt


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    Member since 03/2008

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