Cuba is an interesting country, almost like taking a step back in time. In the three weeks I was there, I only once saw a mobile phone being used. It is separated from the rest of the world, and in some ways separate from the progression of time.
You can learn a lot about a culture, a conflict, almost any situation, by watching children. In Cuba, their lives are simple. They play on the streets and pass time doing things that children in U.S. and Europe would find horribly boring. But most of them seem quite happy. At the very least they are pacified and at best they are just plain entertained.
This is a simple story, about simple little people :)
A boy plays baseball on the streets of Havana.
A game of marbles in a residential area.
A girl plays with a discarded bicycle tire in central Havana.
A boy passes time in an abandoned swimming pool filled with rain water from a recent storm.
An afternoon acrobatics session, using a truck tire as a trampoline in a public park.
A young girl passes time in front of her apartment building.
Watching pedestrians.
Budget adrenaline sports: A home made skateboard in a public street at night.
Not doing much of anything...
A boy gets his hair cut as girls play on the street.
Being silly.
Boys salivate in front of an upscale restaurant in Old Havana.
A boy and his toy.
Playing with a toy on the sidewalk.
Hide and go seek knows no borders.
A boy organizes his actions figures on the street.
Children playing in a tree.