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Photojournalism Workshops

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  • Zoriah's photography has appeared in the following publications:
    Newsweek • The New York Times • CNN • Fortune • The Wall Street Journal • BBC News • The United States Library of Congress • NPR • Focus • ABC News • NBC • CBS • The United Nations • Paris Match •  Democracy Now •  NWK • GQ • Elle • Cosmopolitan • The New York Globe • UNICEF • The Guardian • Marketplace • The International Herald Tribune • Liberation • Europe Business Week •  The Huffington Post •  Michael Moore • PBS • Now • Penguin Publishing • The Copenhagen Star • The San Francisco Chronicle • World Economist • Shanghai Chronicle • World News Network • Newsweek Japan • Newsweek Arabic • Focus • Warner Brothers • Universal Studios • Beijing Globe • Cafe •  Publico • Fox News • Conde Nast • On The Media OTM • Penguin Books • L’Express • Grands Reportage • Suddeutsche Zeitung • L’illustre • Atlantico •  The Boston Review • The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) • Index on Censorship • BAGnewsNotes • American Medical News • Politikken • IPTV Mexico • Choc • Grazia Neri • Televizer • Aktueel • Knack • S.P.A. • Trends • Deng • Vi Menn • Capital • Roul Medica • Welt• L’Actualite • Cine Revu • Le Vif • L’Express • REA • Laif • Tendancess Trends • Cordon • Van Parys • Morepraxis • Fellowship of Reconciliation • AMSCO • Pearson • The Accept Foundation • Peacemaking Korea • India Trade News • Denmark Inc • World News • Columbia Globe • India Femina • Beijing Media • China Political • Business Stockholm • Business Daily • Europe Daily • Elle Taiwan • Oregon Examiner • Yangtze News • Offshore Investment News • WN Education • China News Agency • Education Chronicle • Situation • NYK Inc • US Jobs Market • Maritime Shanghai • Mercantile Europe • Elle New York • Securities Regulator • News Wire China • Oregon Examiner • Beijing Woman • Radio TV India • SEACOR • Lanka FM • Ohio Business News • Yangtze News • Estonia Observer • China Business Daily • Denmark FM • Female Asian • China Europe Business • North America Business • China Business TV • Dublin Markets • Business Delaware • Dhaka Business • New York Telemedia • Dublin Media • Securities Regulator • Business TV • Ningbo Times • General Motors GM • Political India • New York Hello • Virginia Inc • Transport Post • Automaker USA • Madras • Elle Thailand • HK Banking • Asia Confidential • Elle Mexico • Elle Japan • World Exploitation • Pennsylvania Inc • Global Auto Maker • Business Daily • Long Island Report • Finland Inc • NY Business • Toledo Globe • Oklahoma Tonight • Business Jamaica • USA Business Week • USA Financial Center • Business Daily • United States CEO • Tamil Nadu Business News • Ohio Inc • Jiangsu Post • Shanghai Financier • Hainan Daily • Maritime Shanghi • London Business News • North Carolina Inc • Club Asia • Harbor Work • China Business Journal • America Business Daily • Business Mumbai • L’Actualite • Situation • Money Talk UK • KWPN • Edinburgh Business • Business TV • World Photos • TV Andhra • USA Cable Business • G•Photo World News • Caritas Pordenone • Indian Rich List • Planet Telex • ICP  • Shumpu Press • Radio There • The Humanitarian Journal •TV Girls •  Story Culture   Krishnamurti Foundations  • KCFR Radio • The Metropolitan • The Washington Park Profile • Photography in the Fine Arts Quarterly - PFA • China Foto • AOP • Arch Digest • Profimedia CZ •The Click • Think Progress • Brave New Films • Photo News Today • Photo District News PDN • Turkish Weekly • Indy Media Ireland • Inter Press Service IPS • REA • Vanpar • Laif • Contra • Mondia • Cinerev • VIF • Ovation TV • Global Voices for Justice • ArgusFest • Labor Against War • MWC News • Nanfan Daily • Public Radio International PRI • WSWS • The Visual Conscience • Radio Canada • Eyes Fall Open • United Nations Development Programme UNDP • Young People We Care YPWC  • CNNI • Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Magazine • VSD • On The Media • Spiegel • IEEE Spectrum Magazine • The CW • Pilgrim Films • Pilgrim Extreme • Newton • TLMD • Cosmos •  Al Rojo Vivo • Telemundo • Media Rights • Capital MRC • In Harms Way  •  New Internationalist Magazine  • Eyes Fall Open • PC •  Beeldzorg/Herman Hubrechts Design  •  DR Perspektiv • TVbyGirls  •  Barbara Wiener (Ida’s Story) • The Peace Jam Organization • The Veteran’s Project,  PhotoNetCast • Royal Danish School of Journalism • Peacereporter • OSE Institute •Michigan State University (MSU) • American Weapon (film) • ABC CLIO • History and the Headlines • Conclave:  A Journal of Character • SPQR Street Art • Good People, • Morning Star Features • The Vigil • Cox Channel 18 • Peace Train • OC Peace Coalition • Returning Veterans Resource Project • Art of War • Ovation TV • FreeDetainees • Truth.org • World Socialist • UNDP • Young People We Care YPWC • La Derniere Heure Les Sports • French Magazine VSD • RTTV • Fair • Extra • Peace Channel TV • La Dernière Heure Les Sports • Global Voices for Justice • FAIR/Extra! • The Rachel Corrie Foundation • The Evergreen State College • Massachusetts School of Law • The Mainichi Newspapers Company • Mainichi Shimbun • Educational Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) • Thirteen.org • Women War and Peace • Public Broadcasting System (PBS) • Radical Livros • Aktuel Sweden • Swedish Radio • The History Channel • Cindy Sheehan • Third Day Dawning • Muslim Aid • The Canadian University of Ottawa • Education and Sustainability Magazine • Finisterrae Magazine • Spyglass • Women and Gender Studies Institute • University of Toronto • Discover Magazine • PressTV • Sherwood Ross Associates • World Tour Destinations • Photographer Magazine • Ovideo TV • Fundacio la Caixa • Publico • Princeton University • Small Arms Survey • Press TV • Children of Palestine Show •  Boston University School of Public Health • Movement • PHOTO • DunnThe Signtologist • Moments • Harlow College • Stealworks Design/John Yates Design • Demotix • The Movement Magazine • Pluto Press • Coastal Traveler • One Click One Pic • Revolution Newspaper • Newsstand New Delhi • Laboratory • Arquitectura 21 • Be Profit • La Baiser Sale • Street Magazine Ukraine • Merritt Maddness • University of North Dakota • Wide Angle • WNET New York • Radical Livros • The Sunni-Shia Conflict • DePaul University • Iraq Memorial to Life • Coffee Strong • Nichterschienen • Q2A Media • Conspire Magazine • Conflict ZoneThe Film • Scientific Learning • Creed Interactive • Studio Angantyr • Digital SLR Photography Magazine • Ungvanster • World of Wonder • Socialist Union of Youth in Slovakia • Cordey Design Co • Avant Garde Life • Atelier Obscura • Rochester Institute of Technology • Left Bank Pictures • Strike Back • Badil Resource Center for Residency and Refugee Rights • Marywood University • Mans Unides • Salford University UK • CUNY Graduate School of Journalism • University of Miami Graduate School of Journalism • Trigger Happy Productions GmbH • Pilgrims • Global Humanitarian Forum • Vision Awards •  Why Palestine • Zoe D'Amato • Newscom • Freitag Berlin • Finis Terrae • Daily Kos • Arabawy • New Hampshire Public Radio • Andalus • TWS • Core Concepts • 54 Kol • Allvoices • The Corner Report • Informaworld • Firedoglake • Uncertain Times • Baboon Films • Nova Africa • La Figa • The San Francisco Chronicle • Snippits and Snappits • Verse and Melodie • Inanimate Existence • Intravenous Design • Twine • Architectural Design Journal •University of Design Sydney  • Cause + Art • OS Distribution • Carrot Clothing • Traditional Dwellings and Settlement Review • UC Berkley •  Global Oneness Project • Images Without Borders • Doctors Without Borders • Aferrismoon • Artview Magazine • Kiss Art • Viriato(film) • Al-Andalus Ensamble • Pana Films • Valley of The Wolves Palestine(film) • Tim Weaver/David Raker • Dominate (film) • L'Absente (film) • A Picture of War (film) • Flores del Fango • PetaPixel • EuroNews • A Picture of War (film) • Elite Model Management • Marilyn Models • Silent Models • The StateUniversity of New York • Tonic • PFC Eastern Cape Co • OpEdNews •The Jewish Journal • Europe 1 • Tipete • A Charts • The United Nationas (UN) • The International Red Cross amd Red Crescent Society • Doctors Without Borders • The International Criminal Court • International Medical Corps • The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) • Unicef • United Nations Development Program (UNDP) • The International Rescue Committee • Muslim Aid • The Elton John Center • Sihanouk Hospital • Accept Foundation • Index on Censorship • The Rachel Corrie Foundation • SH Chronic Care Facility • Morepraxis • Word Aids Day • Project Angel Heart • Chouk Sar Cambbodia • Sunrise Children’s Village • Prea Yesu Children’s Home • Pagoda Care • Little Sprouts • The Okinawa Reef Foundation • Fellowship Of Reconcilliation • Tsunami Relief • International Carnival of Pozitivities • Iraq Veterans Against War • Winter Soldier • Images of Resistance • The Palestine Chronicle • The Humanitarian Journal • Story Culture • Another Mother For Peace • ArgusFest • Global Voices for Justice • Healing Combat Trauma • U.S. Labor Against War • Eyes Fall Open • OSE Institute • Peacereporter • The Veteran’s Project • The Peace Jam Organization • Roul Medica • Mondo Library • Peacemaking Korea • Education Chronicle • ICP • Krishnamurti Foundations • Young People We Care (YPWC) • Media Rights • Barbara Wiener (Ida’s Story) •Returning Veterans Resource Project • FreeDetaiees • Archetypal Assoc • Good People • Peace Train • OC Peace Coalition • Ovation TV • Truth.org, World Socialist • Peace Channel TV • PhotoPhilanthropy • Women and Gender Studies Institute • Education and Sustainability Magazine • Women War and Peace• Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Magazine • PhotoPhilanthropy • Fundacio la Caixa • Small Arms Survey • Boston University School of Public Health • Movement • Iraq Memorial to Life • Coffee Strong • Badil Resource Center for Residency and Refugee Rights • Mans Unides • Global Humanitarian Forum • Vision Awards • Global Oneness Project • Images Without Borders • Gaza Awareness Week • Ambassadors for Sustained Health • Hospice Saint Joseph Haiti •International Medical Corps • Littlest Angels Orphanage Haiti • One Plus One • Hatua International • Eleven59 •The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians • Elsevier • The Better Gulf Organization • Avax Home • Mastercraft Safety • Uiversal Records • Rolling Stone Magazine • Warner Brothers Music • Virgin • Glamour Magazine • Mercury Records • Elle Magazine • Paris Match •  Cosmopolitan •  Mark Knopfler • Yeal Naim • Twentieth Century Fox  •  Penguin Publishing  •  David Donatien • CBS Television • GQ Magazine • Public Broadcasting System • Guillaume Perret • Tagada • Tugba Ukinci • Brave New Films • Morning Star Features • Pilgrim Films • The CW Network • Pilgrim Extreme • Eyes Fall Open • Universal Studios • The History Channel • Liquid Blue Inc • Conflict Zone The Film • Left Bank Pictures • Strike Back • Jamla Records • Trigger Happy Productions GmbH • Liquid Blue Band • Al-Andalus Ensamble • Celtic Sunrise • Billboard Magazine • Virgin Radion • Le Parisien • Pop Matters • Caesars Atlantic City • Direct Soir • Sensible Events • Royal Albert Hall • Mass Live • Mc2 Grenoble • What It Is • RumBum  • Irish Times • Net Planet, MLK • 06 Live • DigiTick • Zona Rock • Pik • Last • Larep • Seattle Weekly • Nartube • The Spaghetti Incident • The Sound • Sickplaylist • Live Nation • Jams Bio • Gerlant • The Daily • Nord Eclair • Europe 1  • Tunisie 24 • Tot Room Recordings  •2k • Digital Spy  • Music  • Freezec • Hellocoton France • The One Event • Pleaz • Music Story • Musique Ados • Alliance France  • Wikio • La Voix Des Sports •Orange Telecom • CityVox• Aufeminin • Le Fil • Starzik • Pure People • GreatSong • Lechorepublicain • Evous • CityVox  •  Au Fait • NRJ France Maroc • Museke • Charts in France • Fnac • Orange Telecom • Le Fil • I love Music Japan • Vasiliska • Pacific 2.1 Entertainment Group • Homeland tv • UltraTop • A Charts • Rennes Maville • Cultura • Andre Palais • Cherie FM •Sob o ceu de Paris • Rock n France • RFI • PurePeople • 8012 • Israbox • Padnova • RocknFrance • Europe 1 • Plixid • Mikki Says • Telemoustique • Idoles Mag • Notulus • Maville • RF Musique • Lavoix du Nord • Impactus • Music Zine • Concertive • Close Events • Alvinet • Elle Adore • Chorus 92 • Waxx Music • Laspikedelycmusic • Song Fox • Tunes Pro • Idoles Mag • CoVo Records • Notulus •  Book123 •  A Charts • Avax Home •  Music Zine •  Camus • JPC • Rock Report • AlbumCheck • LeProgres • Ander Palais • Dafina • News de Stars • Lavoix du Nord • Sneak Attack Media • Culture Club • Stars are Underground •  Klatsch Tratsch • Artist Area • NWZ Inside • CD Starts •  Bizarre Radio • Mykritik • 



  • Public Presentations and Lectures
    Zoriah has begun to devote a portion of each year to lecturing and presenting to universities, institutions and at political events. For universities, a typical itinerary consists of two days of presentations to multiple departments followed by a public, multi-departmental lecture. The presentations can be tailored in length and subject matter to each department and the multidepartmental lecture currently consist of a thirty minute slideshow showcasing recent work from Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, the Asian Earthquake and the Tsunami. The lecture touches on many subjects including the art of visual storytelling, the current state of the media and my own thoughts on documenting life in conflict. Lectures can be tailored to the need of each individual organization, university or event.

Support Independent Journalism

    Each photo story that I bring to the world costs literally thousands of dollars to produce. While transportation to and from remote locations eats up the majority of my budget, I must also pay for food, accommodation, insurance and equipment such as body armor, cameras, lenses, photo storage and equipment maintenance costs. - These photo stories depend on your support and funding. Without your donations these projects will live only in my dreams and not in reality, where the world can see them and be affected by them. If you enjoy seeing this work and believe in supporting truly independent photojournalism, please support it. - The power of the still image to teach, affect and inspire change is truly amazing and people like you make it all possible. Every dollar counts! - You can choose to make a one time donation, or set up recurring monthly payments. If you have not considered recurring monthly payments, these are a great way to fund ongoing projects without putting a strain on your pocketbook. - Because documentary photography is my full time job, recurring payments provide a much needed monthly income and let me focus on the issues that are truly important, intead of what subjects will sell to the corporate media. - - Secure donations can be made below with PayPal. If you are not comfortable with online payments, please contact us for an address to mail a money order or cashiers check to


Available Workshops: Location Tailored to Interest

  • Mexico:
    Fossil Fuel Impact. Document car culture and its effects on the environment in one of the worlds most polluted cites, Mexico City.
  • Israel and Palestine:
    Compare and contrast life in Jerusalem and life in the West Bank city or Ramallah.
  • Indonesia:
    Child Drug Addicts. Photograph the lives of children addicted to inhalants.
  • Morocco:
    Travel Photography. Travel from Cassablanca to Marakesh and produce a travel related photo series.
  • Honduras:
    Travel and Underwater Photography. Students produce a travel story with two to five days being underwater photography instruction by Zoriah and the master divers at Ocean Connections PADI Dive Shop. *students without a scuba diving license will complete a three day licensing course durning the beginning of the workshop.
  • Laos:
    Shoestring Travel. Students travel through Laos and produce a story geared to budget minded travelers and backpackers - Brazil: Amazonian Deforestation. Work in the Amazon Basin documenting the environmental impact of clear cutting.
  • Japan:
    Technology and The Modern World. Explore the role of technology in our lives in one of the most advanced cities on planet earth. *Japan workshops have higher tuitions and higher living costs.
  • Turkey:
    The New Face of The Refugee Crisis. Live in an urban jungle pupulated by refugees from around the world while documenting their lives...and your own.
  • Philippines:
    Poverty's Environmental Impact: Work in urban slums to show the impact of poverty on the ocean and environment.
  • Lebanon:
    Palestinian Refugees. Spend time photographing the lives of Palestinian refugees living in camps around the country.
  • Nicaraqua:
    Shanty Towns. Documenting life in extreme poverty.
  • China:
    Modernizing an Ancient Culture. Document how modernization and progress effect an ancient culture in the amazing city of Shanghai.
  • India:
    Beggars life. Spend one week documenting the life of homeless or "untouchable" man or woman.
  • Pakistan and Kashmir:
    Working in Extreme Conditions. This workshop is designed to give higher-level students a chance to experience work under adverse conditions.
  • Vietnam
    Comparing urban and rural poverty. Students spend half the workshop photographing in Saigon and the other half in Chau Doc or another small village.
  • Cambodia
    AIDS Orphans - live in an orphanage and document the lives of one or more children.


  • Zoriah is an award-winning photojournalist whose work has been featured in some of the world’s most prestigious galleries, museums and publications. Zoriah's clients have included The BBC, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, ABC News, NPR, Focus and many others. With a background in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Aid, Zoriah specializes in documenting human crises in developing countries. His vitae not only lists photographic achievements and study, but also the in-depth training and experience necessary for working under extreme conditions in some of the world's harshest environments
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Rights and Usage

  • Images and text from this blog may be republished online in blogs as long as full credit is given. A link to http://www.zoriah.com must be given as well as a credit line under each image reading "© zoriah/www.zoriah.com" The owner holds all original copyright and licenses. Republishing rights for bloggers only, companies, organizations, NGO's and similar must first obtain permission before republishing. Contact www.zoriah.com/contact for more information or email info at zoriah dot com.

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« The Boy Missing One Eye | Main | Homeless Teen »

September 23, 2011


Zoriah photojournalist showing us the Uganda's largest slums situations. A poor and homeless boy was beaten during street fight. Photo was captured from Kampala. The drug addiction is very bad habit. I just felt very bad at time of to read it.

A boy, bruised and beaten during a street fight```I feel very down after I watching the picture. Please pay more attention to Africa children.

I feel very down after I watching the picture!111

Inspiring article and touching to the heart photo, great job

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What exactly is Garcina Cambogia Remove?

It is a really small, pumpkin-shaped fresh fruit which is also called ‘tamarind’. It really is indigenous in order to Philippines and it is produced within S.e. Asian countries, Indian plus Main plus Western The african continent. It really is utilized in several Southern Oriental meals typically, like chutneys plus curries. This particular fresh fruit can also be useful for treating seafood plus upkeep.

With the addition of this particular component in order to foods it really is regarded as quite effective for making foods fill up a person upward quicker. In certain towns within Malaysia, this particular fresh fruit can be used for making soups that could be consumed in front of you dinner for losing weight because of Cambodia’s appetite-blocking skills.

Are these claims Fresh fruit Efficient?

This particular fresh fruit continues to be well-researched along with over the number of numerous scientific studies performed through the years. Frequently, study uncovers the ability associated with Garcinia Cambogia offers for that weight loss as well as the development associated with healthful ways of eating.

What exactly can make Cambogia therefore efficient will not it function? Cambogia is really a yellow-colored fresh fruit which is designed kind of just like a pumpkin also it passes additional titles throughout S.e. Asian countries along with other region and it is consumed being a as well as the particular rind can be used within conventional dishes within southern Indian.

The particular get comes from mainly the particular rind, that is dried out plus healed and has hydroxycitric acids HCA that is a material promoted in order to obstruct sugar plus body fat whilst controlling appetites.

Study and research

Research had been performed in Saint Luke’s Medical center the particular Being overweight Nourishment Study Middle within Ny to find out issue fresh fruit acquired any kind of benefit since anti-obesity indicates. There was 135 overweight men and women who had been hired with this research plus it final regarding twelve days. These were divided straight into two groupings, one particular received an energetic organic substance associated with hydroxycitric acidity as well as the additional getting a placebo. These two organizations had been recommended exactly the same low-energy, plus high-fiber diet plan.

Both in groupings the particular sufferers dropped a lot of bodyweight. Nevertheless, there was clearly actually simply no significant distinction within the % associated with unwanted fat reduction. Scientists figured does garcinia cambogia really work unsuccessfully to demonstrate significant weight reduction plus weight loss a lot more than what has been noticed using a placebo.

The particular Record associated with Being overweight at the end of the year 2010 released a write-up upon research that will examined Garcinia as being a item for losing weight. From the twenty three studies analyzed, just 12 had been think about audio methodologically sufficient to incorporate. The particular evaluation exposed that will several statistically important weight reduction do take place. In addition they found that uncomfortable stomach activities happened two times as usually within the hydroxycitric team within the particular placebo team.

Consequently , simply because this really is becoming extremely supported plus promoted with a physician within the tv, doesn’t essential ensure it is therefore?

Hca can be a seed native to Asia, Australia, Africa, and Polynesia. It expands such as for instance a gorgeous evergreen shrub. Lately, professionals have discovered out that the extract of the fruit contains ingredients which work as weightloss pills and therefore are perfect for lowering your weight. More and more people daily learn how this phenomenal plant might help them resist their cravings for food and slim-down. This can be a excellent choice for people who should not ingest man-made compounds that are generally noticed in different weight-reduction products since it is natural and organic.

How miracle garcinia cambogia get Works

To obtain in to its remaining remove sort first the berry is farmed. The fresh fruit of Garcinia-cambogia extract is tiny orange pumpkin like fruits. These fruits is likely to be processed so that the weight reduction compounds are safely and precisely produced. When absorbed Garcinia-cambogia helps you to minimize thoughts to become starving and yearning food. Additionally, it permits you to feel fuller and a great deal more information for extended after eating dinners. This can be perfect since it enables you to combat over-eating at its very roots and in an all-natural way. Beyond only lowering emotions of hunger additionally it changes the method by which sugars are converted by your liver. This may allow it to be harder for the body to produce fat and thus decreases drastically on stomach fat. Lots who experienced trouble eliminating stubborn belly-fat have found to function as last action for them to get at their optimal weight.

Beyond just influencing your fat Hca has-been proved to be beneficial for mental health. Analysts have realized that when getting it cortisol levels are decreased and serotonin levels are increased. Cortisol is really a hormone-related to stress and it has been shown to trigger over-eating. Serotonin but is really a hormone connected with contentedness and is also released adhering to a good dinner is eaten. Garcinia Cambogia will not simply remove your excess weight nonetheless it will put you in a much better disposition more conducive to focusing on the proper diet and exercising.

Unwanted effects

Garcinia cambogia get is sold with extremely little negative effects. Several folks can record delicate problems or belly discomfort. Generally these unwanted effects might be associated with making sure you purchase a top quality product. Also, some health practitioners have noted that it could 't be suited to long lasting employ as it can contain substantial levels hydroxycitric acid. If around ingested for a while enough period this contributes to medical ailments. That can be prevented provided that sense and moderation can be used. As with all products and medicine it is important to talk with you doctor before ingesting specially if an old medical condition is provided by you.


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    • View  Zoriah's  photography  here.


    • "A riveting, unflinching set of some of the most poignant photography I've ever come across." No. Nein

    • "In the great Magnum tradition!" David Lewis-Baker

    • "His commitment to photojournalism can not be denied. I am certain he will secure a place amongst some of our best." JR Photography

    • "I've seen many war photos and met a few war photographers, but Zoriah's work deeply touched me." Globe Visions

    • "Zoriah Miller, In looking through his materials on his website, no one could debate the fact that he is enormously talented as a photographer, there's no doubt about it. Photographs taken around the world, many in war-torn regions...extremely moving." Laura Ingraham on the Laura Ingraham Show

    • "You are as J. Nachtway, Alex Majoli, Alexandra Boulat... brave reportage... good, good job..." Salvatore Piermarini

    • "It is a eye opener to view your work, it brings strong emotions when doing so. Your work reflects an other side of the world around us and beyond. Its a honour to be your contact and I will use it to find inspiration for myself. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us." Frits van Sambeek

    • "Le tue foto danno un senso alla vita,c'è chi ha tutto e chi non si può permettere di pensare al futuro...perchè non sa se ci sarà! Più li guardo e più mi commuovo per la bellezza e la dura realtà." Mimmo Messineo

    • "Your work has changed me. It`s such an interesting effect your work has. Amazing art, it also informs so specifically, precisely." Roberto Eiti

    • "Zoriah`s pictures keep me breathless. They are shocking and at the same time they have an attraction which makes me come back to look at them again and again. Zoriah`s work has my full respect. Chapeau!" T. Klick

    • "Your amazing photos take me away from my comfort zone, and I confess I need that. Thank you for being out there and show all of us what is going on beyond our comfortable lives. Please, be safe as much as possible." Itmelo

    • " Zoriah, your pictures bring out so many emotions in me, I'm at a loss for words. They are heart wrenching and thought provoking...thank you for sharing!" Roxy Millado-Duguay

    • The iraq night patrol series was one of the most frightening photo-series I've seen about war. Zoriah pushed war photography in another dimension. You suddenly start appreciating your own life knowing that millions of other souls don't even know how to survive the next night." Dan cinematographer/Berlin

    • "There's a deep meaning in every photo, you've been at the right time and place. Some photos made me cry, and at the same time I was happy to see such a photostream ! It's one of a kind. Thank you so much for sharing.." Hanan Iaway

    • "Zoriah is a REAL photographer...Thank you Zoriah for showing us the truth." Bluto Blutarski

    • "Your work is beyond words. Almost to point of emotional breakpoint." Chieska

    • "Tus fotos son increibles, impactantes. El tratado de blanco y negro es fenomenal... Me quito el sombrero. Ya me gustaría a mi poder hacer trabajos de ese tipo..." Javier Martin

    • "You have some outstanding work! I checked your site and I understand why you have won awards. You really cover your subject matter with an expert eye, very inspiring and eye opening. I will check back often!" Dvdell Photo

    • "Muito muito muito com o seu trabalho... meus sinceros parabens. Fico feliz em ver fotografos engajados com a luta dos povos Beijos e fortes abraços solidários" Ratao Diniz

    • "Incredible not just because they are excellent photographs but because they are frighteningly honest. I hope you continue to make these strong, thought provoking records and that you stay safe in what must be incredibly difficult situations, both physically and emotionally." JimboTF

    • "It would be somewhat of an understatement to say I was impressed with your work. We obviously know how dangerous it is to be involved in that theater (Iraq.) I'm sure that every moment of every day is just on the verge of chaotic for what is that war (war?) if not the ultimate of chaos? And yet you have these moments where you pause to compose image of graphic quality equal to content. Admire all you compositional skills but am especially taken by the wideangle work. Do your best to do so and know you're held in high esteem." Cyclops-Optic

    • "I have to confess, that I couldn't sleep properly after seeing your photos the first time. These images are still in my mind and won't let me go." Vic

    • "There is a great passion in every single shot and I’m very impressed, sad, shocked, touched, deeply moved, frightened and inspired in the same way.You are documenting a very important episode of history. Your pictures speak for themselves and your work is beyond words. Your work is not easy as it is difficult to photograph people in distress. However, it concerns us all and we shall not forget!" Victoria

    • "Into the very depths of my soul. I cannot begin to even sum up with words, the depths of how your images reach out to me. It brings me down to earth and reminds me as to why I picked up the camera in the first place. Your works are truly inspiring. You're very privileged to have to see these places with your own eyes, observe and capture through your lens the true state of the world we live in. As for now, for me, it'll have to be through your eyes, your pictures and the stories they tell. Truly honored," Itzhar

    • "There is a hunger to know the truth about war and your accurate presentation of it is exemplary. I don't believe it possible to be unmoved by your images. This is especially true for those of us who live in a very different world, essentially free from the suffering and carnage you portray. Thank you for your dedication and courage. You are making and incredible contribution to world understanding, hopefully not at an extreme cost to yourself. War photography seems like a hard way to make a living on many levels. Living and breathing civilian trauma is not easy but it is more localized. You can get away from it by driving or moving to another location, but with war there is no escape. The reality is so harsh and overwhelmingly pervasive into all areas of life. Stay safe. Many will be following you." Phopper Nowlin

    • "Thanks, Zoriah, for your hard work and incredible vision, and for the inspiration your example lends to others who have put down the gun, or never carried one." eL Bz

    • "All I can say: 'It's very, very impressive.' Keep up the good work. The world must know!" Mulder Photography

    • "Oh my God! His work is very dramatic! Reporting reality in a way never before seen ...I am impressed." Primo Tacca Neto, Brazil

    • "Your images are so profound - they have so much depth and feeling attached to them. I have much admiration for those who are willing to risk their own safety in order to capture images such as the ones you do." Luke, UK

    • "After watching your pics... I´m absolutely tired. Exhausted. Sooooo much information inside them. One day, I will make pictures like yours, but it will take me three or four lives to learn to do it. Not great but incredible work. Thanks for showing us all the way. Master." Jose Manuel, Spain

    • "I feel honored after I have seen your great work; one day maybe, with more time I hope I will also be able to take the picture I like, going to those place where a photographer contribute can be of a help to improve the quality of life of all those people suffering. Thank you again" Piero

    • "Your images work so well. One thing I would love you to photograph in an ideal world: The impeachment and sentencing of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and team for international war crimes. Those pictures would make a fitting end to your middle east series. Keep doing your thing, you are making a difference." Dan

    • "All Wars are very bad and nobody wins...your photographs are very impressive. Congratulations!" Engin Gerçek

    • "Thank you. Your work is amazing, photojournalism is my most desired form of photography. The stories, emotions, and sights your photographs bring to their audience are moving, maddening, touching, frightening - all the things good photojournalism does. Rock on." Podolux

    • "Powerfoul work. It catches visually my attention, and after some pictures I was inmersed in the humanity, the pain, the fight it reflects. Thanks for sharing this work!" Alejocock

    • "You are an amazing photographer. I look forward to following your work." Professor Brian Morley, Ph.D

    • "Your work is absolutely amazing, I love it because it´s hard and beautiful at the same time, you have the most amazing eye, congratulations." Mirelle B

    • "I am often full of words, but tonight your photos have left me speechless. I cannot even begin to imagine the things you've seen. May God keep your heart as you bare your soul through your captures." Michelle

    • "Really, I can't stress how I admire your work. Your photos really move me. I like photography for its beauty, but how you embed meaning in your photos, is just MIND-BLOWING." Screaming Snapshots

    • "Your photos are incredible, for me photojournalism is the most important form of photography, risking your life to show the world real life is crucial." Colin

    • "Nothing makes me cry these days, too complicated to explain, but having just looked at your photos I am sobbing. I can honestly say they are most shocking and at the same time touching photos I have ever seen. You made me think not just of the subject matter but the situation, atmosphere and also how you felt observing and photographing. Thank you for sharing, truly moved." Anonymous

    • "Your photographs are incredible, powerful and touching. I admire that you have a background in humanitarian aid." Terence

    • "Congratulations for your work, your images give us a glampse about what war is about. Humiliation, pain, only for interests. You make this horrible thing seem human. Thank you." Rafael de Carvalho

    • "I find these kinds of life photos as heartbreaking as those which vulgarly show death and destruction. Such good capture, it tells a whole story..." Petit1ze

    • "Tus fotos son increibles, impactantes. El tratado de blanco y negro es fenomenal... Me quito el sombrero. Ya me gustaría a mi poder hacer trabajos de ese tipo..." Javier Martin

    • "Superb photojournalistic images you have in your gallery! Compels me to comment on almost each one. Let them speak for themselves because they really don't need comments. They yet deserve to be deeply appreciated for all their quality. Hope to see more of your fantastic work soon." Mario Proenca

    • "I've often tried to express this practice, but a photo is worth more than my words." W. Quatman

    • "I've always thought that photographs are a kind of self portrait of the photographer. I appreciate your eye and sensibility and the work you do to make the act of war real to the rest of us I mentioned your "eye," your heart is just as visible in your images." Jerry Downs Photographer

    • "Your work is amazingly powerful. Some hard to look at, but gripping nonetheless." Ron Landucci, Infinite Editions

    • "Simply excelent! It's a great reportage of a difficult situation." Rancescamare • "Stunning!" Matteo de Mayda • "Deserves to take a well earned place in history in the company of Phillip Jones-Griffith, Don Mc Cullen, Larry Burrows and Robert Capa. The minimal presentation of his work is perfect...the viewer fills in the details, and the images linger stubbornly in the memory, to awake one from sleep in a cold sweat...these images cannot be taken in in one viewing...the viewer returns restlessly again and again, attempting to process the information...this is really happening. Iconic, compelling images of war by a true professional.... I take my hat off to him." Goddessofxanadu

    • "A chilling commentary on the madness of war, ALL WAR." Ronzig's Gallery

    • "The worlds cruelty compressed into some thousand pixels ... it's so impressive" Cavo Kernich

    • "This is what photography exists for." Dot Spiral

    • "Right up there with Robert Capa. Wonderful work, you should be with MAGNUM. You are showing all sides of the conflict." Old Rollei

    • "Haunting beyond words." Yarnahoy

    • "Hugely thought provoking work." Leah Franchetti

    • "What you are doing is so, so important. I cannot even contemplate what horror and pain you have seen. But see it we must. True dedication and bravery is the only way to expose such inhumanity. Keep truth as your motto, and maybe this silly world we live in will someday wake up and treat people as living souls, not simply pieces of meat to be traded in worthless pointless conflicts. I salute you sir." Jim Bodownie

    • "Simply excellent! It's a great reportage of a difficult situation."Frances Camare

    • "Amazing work. Absolutely outstanding!" Thomas W.P. Slatin Photography

    • "I am awed by these images. Some rank among the best millitary images I've ever seen, and I've collected all the greats." Konsum Terra

    • "I am in awe. I really don't know what to say. I haven't been this affected since I saw Nachtweys work." Dude Crush

    • "It is a eye opener to view your work, it brings strong emotions when doing so. Your work reflects another side of the world around us and beyond. I will use it to find inspiration for myself. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us." Frits van Sambeek

    • "Amazing! difficult to stomach (I am very emotional)... but just brilliant and captivating. Thanks for sharing all your photos..." Penelope Gan

    • "A photograph is like a symbol for all the frightening aspects of a disastrous war that brings so much suffering to so many innocent people on both sides. Great, valuable, artful, high class photography that shows the true face of what is going on in Iraq after the "Holy Mission" was declared completed so long time ago. I bow in respect of your great work." Helmut Schadt


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    Member since 03/2008

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